Temporary permission to stay for victims of human trafficking and slavery: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on granting temporary permission to stay to victims of human trafficking and slavery.
We are pausing decisions that consider possible grants of Temporary Permission to Stay for Victims of Human Trafficking or Slavery (VTS) for individuals that are subject to deportation orders, until further notice. This is a temporary pause whilst we consider our approach.
This guidance tells caseworkers about temporary permission to stay for confirmed victims of human trafficking or slavery (VTS).
It explains when it is appropriate to grant VTS to those confirmed as victims of human trafficking or slavery by the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), and what must be considered before making that decision.
Updates to this page
Published 30 January 2023Last updated 6 February 2025 + show all updates
This update clarifies that we are pausing decisions that consider possible grants of Temporary Permission to Stay for Victims of Human Trafficking or Slavery (VTS) for individuals that are subject to deportation orders, until further notice. This is a temporary pause whilst we consider our approach.
Guidance updated in relation to a VTS decision, and the process for individuals who wish to have their Modern Slavery Discretionary Leave (MSDL) decision reconsidered.
Assessible (HTML) version of guidance added.
Guidance updated throughout.
Call out box on landing page and at the top of the (html) guidance document updated.
Call out box added to explain temporary pause in decision making.
Updated guidance amends general information and clarifies who is to be considered for a grant of VTS.
This guidance amends information on the fee waiver process when applying for an extension of temporary permission to stay for confirmed victims of human trafficking or slavery (VTS), set out in the explicit withdraws, application process, and fee waiver consideration sections. It removes the qualifying for a fee waiver in extension applications section replaces the archived guidance "discretionary leave for victims of modern slavery". It also amends information on cancellation of stay.
Guidance on the application process for making a fee waiver requests revised. Guidance on the policy applied in reconsiderations for cases decided under Discretionary Leave for victims of modern slavery revised.
First published.