The New Heavy Duty Vehicles (Carbon Dioxide Emission Performance Standards) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2025
This instrument amends Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 that sets carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions targets for new heavy-duty vehicles (HDV).
When originally assimilated into UK law, it was the policy intention that reference values, against which the CO2 targets are based, refer to heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) sold in the EU-27 and the UK in 2019. However, the following statutory instrument, S.I. 2020/1402, which amended (EU) 2019/1242 incorrectly narrowed the scope of the reference emissions to refer only to vehicles registered for the first time in the UK.
This instrument corrects this discrepancy by updating the reference emissions to be based off HDVs sold in the EU-27 and the UK over the 2019 reporting period. This instrument also amends the provision relating to the deviations from reported information on CO2 emissions, and amends Regulation (EU) 2020/1079 to correct deficiencies, to ensure operability in a UK context for the verification and correction of data reported on the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of new HDVs.
Sent to sift on: 24 February 2025
Sifting status: open