Third quarterly report on progress to address COVID-19 health inequalities
The third of 4 reports summarising work undertaken by the Minister for Equalities and government departments on COVID-19 disparities.
This is the third quarterly report on progress to address disparities in the risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for ethnic minority groups.
It summarises how work across government, and with national and local partners, has led to increases in both positive vaccine sentiment and vaccine uptake across all ethnic groups over the last quarter.
The report also includes further analysis of how the impacts of COVID-19 changed for ethnic minority groups between the first and second waves of the pandemic.
Updates to this page
Updated the section ‘Data and evidence’ > ‘Results’ > ‘Differences in COVID-19 mortality between the first wave and the second wave’. This is because of a mistake in a paper we reference in the report. We reported that the fully-adjusted (+ pre-pandemic health) hazard ratio for Bangladeshi men in wave 1 was 2.5 when it was actually 1.5. The sentence previously said: “With the exception of Bangladeshi men, this is a larger excess risk than in the first wave when Bangladeshi women and Pakistani men and women had fully adjusted hazard ratios of 1.2, 1.5, and 1.3 respectively.” It now says: “This is a larger excess risk than in the first wave when Bangladeshi men and women and Pakistani men and women had fully adjusted hazard ratios of 1.5, 1.2, 1.5, and 1.3 respectively." Footnote 41 previously linked to It now links to (an updated version of the same article). Figure 3a has also been updated to reflect the amended figure for Bangladeshi men.
First published.