
Ticks: distribution of Ixodes ricinus in England, Scotland and Wales

Map outlining where ticks (Ixodes ricinus) are reported across England, Scotland and Wales.



This map shows data collated via UK Health Security Agency’s Tick Surveillance Scheme and contains data up until the end of 2023.

This map shows the distribution of the tick Ixodes ricinus across Great Britain. The tick has a wide distribution from southern England up to northern Scotland including the offshore islands of Wales and Scotland.

Although not present everywhere, the map shows greater coverage of presence records across all areas of southern England below a line from the Severn to the Thames, with areas of tick presence in East Anglia, North Yorkshire Moors, the Lake District and North Wales. In Scotland, the tick is present is most of the Highland Glens, as well as part of Galloway and the Outer Hebrides.

The absence of records does not necessarily mean the tick is absent.

Updates to this page

Published 25 January 2016
Last updated 31 July 2024 show all updates
  1. The maps has been updated to include data from 2020 to the end of 2023.

  2. Updated map: contains new data up until the end of 2020.

  3. Added information on the date range of map data.

  4. First published.

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