TSE restricted cattle: application for movement licence
Form for cattle keepers to apply for a licence to move cattle born or reared in the UK before August 1996 to new premises.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
All cattle born or reared in the UK before 1 August 1996 are subject to movement restrictions. This is to ensure that meat from these older cattle does not enter the food chain.
Under the TSE Regulations, these cattle have been restricted to the premises where they were located. These older cattle have no commercial value when they are no longer able to produce calves and records show that relatively few of them are moved from their holdings.
This form is for cattle keepers who want to move these older cattle to another premises. The licence must be approved before the animal is moved from the restricted premises. A further restriction will be placed on the animal at the new premises. Movements to markets or dealers will not be permitted.
A Welsh translation of this form is available.
Updates to this page
Updated MC62 form.
Document updated
Welsh translation now available
Data protection statement updated on form
AHVLA documents have been re-assigned to the new Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
First published.