Tuberculosis: information for prison and immigration removal centre staff
Advice for non-healthcare staff who work in UK prisons and immigration removal centres on identifying and handling TB cases.
This resource provides information for prison and immigration removal centre staff on:
- spotting symptoms of TB
- client advocacy and what this involves
- supporting treatment
- medical hold
- reducing risk among staff and other individuals in prison
Public Health England, in collaboration with partner agencies, has also developed 2 training slide sets to raise awareness of TB within prisons and other places of detention. These slide sets are designed to provide information on identification, management control and prevention of TB in prisons.
TB awareness for wing staff in prisons and other places of detention
This slide set provides an overview for prison staff on TB. This includes:
- symptoms of TB, explaining differences between active and latent TB
- understanding risk factors for developing TB
- understanding diagnosis and treatment of TB
- public health management of TB incidents in prisons, including isolation, bed watch contact tracing and discharge planning
- information on how prison staff can support residents with TB
TB awareness training for healthcare staff in prisons and places of detention
This slide set is designed to be used by prison healthcare staff for TB treatment and control efforts. It includes information on:
- management and support of the patient
- infection control and appropriate isolation
- discharge or release of the patient, or transfer planning
- principles and the importance of contact tracing
Updates to this page
Added 2 training slide-set links to enable awareness-raising of TB within prisons and other places of detention.
Updated 'Tuberculosis: information for prisons and immigration removal centre staff'.
Updated guidance on 'Tuberculosis (TB): information for discipline and wing staff'.
First published.