
UK digital identity and attributes trust framework alpha v2 (0.2)

A revised (alpha) version of the digital identity trust framework following feedback, plus an invitation to express an interest in testing the framework.



Please note, an updated ‘beta’ version of the trust framework was published on 13 June 2022. Read the most recent version of the framework.

Digital identities are an easy way to help us prove who we are without the need for physical documents. They can also help us prove things about us, such as our age or our qualifications. The government is working to develop the digital identity market without the need for national identity cards.

This updated document sets out the government’s vision for the rules governing the future use of digital identities. It supersedes the original version of the digital identities trust framework which was published in February 2021. Comments from that version of the framework have been fed into this updated version. You can read more about the changes which have been made in the ‘feedback received and updates’ section in the main document on this page.

For more information on this new version of the trust framework, please see the press notice.

The digital identities trust framework is part of the government’s wider plan to make it quicker and easier for people to verify themselves using modern technology. The aim is to create a process as trusted as using passports or bank statements.

The government invited expressions of interest in testing this updated version of the framework. Details of the testing are available in the document on this page. Expressions of interest are now closed, however you can read further details about the alpha testing of the trust framework.

Express an interest in alpha testing of the framework

Expressions of interest are now closed.

Please note there was also a related consultation asking for views on how the digital identity system should operate, including proposals for a governing body which will be charged with making sure organisations follow government rules on digital identity. This consultation ran until Monday 13 September 2021.

Updates to this page

Published 2 August 2021
Last updated 26 January 2023 show all updates
  1. Pubiished Trust framework certification.

  2. Page title has been updated to clarify that this published version of the trust framework is alpha v2 (0.2)

  3. Added a link to the updated version of the framework published this week.

  4. The original text on the 'Trust framework certification' page has been removed as it is now out of date. We are currently working on an updated version of the 'Trust framework certification' page which will be updated alongside publication of the beta version of the trust framework.

  5. The deadline for expressions of interest in testing the framework has been extended by two weeks to Sunday 19 September.

  6. Added UK digital identity and attributes trust framework - delegated authority guidance.

  7. First published.

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