UK Voluntary National Review Engagement Events
The UK Government is reviewing UK progress towards the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. We would like to hear your opinions. We have held the following sector specific engagement events.
The UK is undertaking its first review of progress towards the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals). To support this, we would like to hear your opinions on where you think we are in terms of progress, what more needs to be done and how we can work better together to achieve the Goals by 2030. To discuss these important questions, we will hold the following sector specific engagement events:
When: 11 March 15.00 - 17.00
Where: London
Examples of attendees:
- Parliamentarians
International Development
When: 13 March 12.30 - 14.30
Where: London
Examples of attendees:
- International Development NGOs
- International Human Rights NGOs
- International Development consultants and private contractors
Inclusive civil society
When: 14 March 9.30 - 11.30
Where: London
Examples of attendees:
- Women’s groups
- Disability groups
- Charities and NGOs
- Human Rights groups
- Diversity and equality groups
Local Delivery
When: 15 March 10.00 - 12.30
Where: Leeds
Examples of attendees:
- Local public service delivery bodies including local authorities
- Local/active unions
- Local business leaders
- Universities and academics
Local Delivery
When: 18 March 10.00 - 13.00
Where: Bristol
Examples of attendees:
- Local public service delivery bodies including local authorities
- Local business leaders
- Universities and academics
Private Sector
When: 19 March 10.30 -12.30
Where: London
Examples of attendees:
- Businesses
- Small and medium sized enterprises
- Trade Unions
- Legal firms
- Insurance
- Manufacturers
- Entrepreneurs
- Consultants
Faith Groups
When: 20 March 14.00 - 15.30
Where: London
Examples of attendees:
- Religious leaders
- Community faith group representatives
BEIS engagement event
BEIS is playing a lead role in reviewing aspects of the goals that relate to affordable and clean energy (Goal 7) ; infrastructure, industrialisation and innovation (Goal 9) ; and climate change (Goal 13). We would welcome inputs from our stakeholders.
When: 5 April 1430 – 1630 Where: London
Example of attendees:
- Academics
- Research Organisations
- Business
- Civil Society
We will also hold regional events which will focus primarily on local delivery of the Global Goals:
To attend one of these events please send an expression of interest to including the name of your organisation, the event you would like to attend and a brief explanation of why. Submitting an expression of interest does not guarantee a place. We will be confirming attendance as quickly as possible to ensure that you can make travel arrangements.
Please ensure we have confirmed your place before booking any travel.
We expect attendees of these events to have a working understanding of the Global Goals. These events will not go into detail on specific goals. You will be welcome to provide feedback on this document through an online survey which will also be available on this website. Please be aware that we may record or take photos during the events to use in our public communications. If this is a problem please make the team aware at the door on the day.
We will publish a document for discussion in advance of these events. This will be available on our website.
The outcomes of these discussions will inform the Voluntary National Review. Goal-specific feedback will also be shared with Departments leading on chapters of the Voluntary National Review, and policy leads across Government.
Keeping up to date
Please do continue to check our website for further updates on our engagement events and opportunities to contribute to the Voluntary National Review. You can also tell us what you or your organisation is doing to support the UK’s delivery of the Goals by sharing a case study. Please complete the form on our website.