Policy paper

Understanding the hybrid bill: HS2 Phase 2a information papers

What the hybrid bill is, its powers, and how HS2 Ltd will comply with Parliamentary commitments during its passage.


HS2 Phase 2a information paper: Change log


Series B of the Phase 2a information papers, explain what the hybrid Bill is. This includes descriptions of the various sections, the powers that are included in the bill and other related information.

You can also find details on compliance with legislation and human rights, recording and meeting undertakings and assurances, and the planning regime associated with the bill.

Updates to this page

Published 17 July 2017
Last updated 11 February 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated Phase 2a information paper: Understanding the bill, Main provisions of the planning regime, Limits on parliamentary plans, Disapplication of legislation, Compliance with undertakings and assurances, Environmental impact assessment and human rights, Railway powers in the hybrid bill, Time limits in the bill, Introduction to hybrid bill powers, Hybrid bill process, Additional provisions, HSR Bill as amended in the HoC and the change log.

  2. Several papers updated - see change log for details

  3. B11 updated, B12 added. See change log for details.

  4. Several updates made - see change log for details

  5. Paper B11 added

  6. Paper B10 updated and change log added

  7. Update relating to the Second Reading of the Phase 2a bill added

  8. First published.

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