Universal Credit pathfinder evaluation: interim results from the Universal Credit claimant survey, wave 1
Interim results from the Universal Credit pathfinder evaluation claimant survey, wave 1, conducted between August 2013 and October 2013.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Universal Credit is a new simpler, single monthly benefit payment for people in or out of work, which merges together:
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credits
- Housing Benefit
Universal Credit is being introduced gradually to ensure Jobcentres intensively test the new system as it rolls out. Ashton-Under-Lyne Jobcentre started to accept claims to Universal Credit from 29 April 2013, with Wigan Jobcentre starting 1 July and Warrington and Oldham Jobcentres 29 July.
The Universal Credit Pathfinder Evaluation forms part of the testing approach and comprises of a range of research with staff, claimants and external delivery partners. Read more about the evaluation in Universal Credit: how we will evaluate it
As part of the claimant research, a large scale telephone survey of claimants making new claims to Universal Credit was conducted between August 2013 and October 2013. The aim of this longitudinal survey is to gain evidence on a broad range of factors, including experiences of claiming Universal Credit, attitudes and behaviours and outcomes. As part of this research simultaneous surveys were conducted with claimants making new claims to Jobseekers Allowance so comparisons between the two claimant groups can be made.
Read more about government policy on Universal Credit.