Updated energy and emissions projections: 2014
2014 energy and emissions projections: projections of greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand 2014 to 2030.
An error in the post-processing of results from the CARBINE forest carbon accounting model led to an error in results for the LULUCF sector included in this edition of the projections. This affected both historic and projected emissions figures. This error has been corrected for the Energy and Emissions Projections 2015.
The report contains projections of UK performance against greenhouse gas targets under existing policies. They are used to inform the development of policies to meet carbon budget targets. Projections of energy demand are also included. The projections of electricity demand are used to inform the development of Electricity Market Reform policies.
All enquiries about the projections should be sent to: emissionsprojections@decc.gsi.gov.uk
Reference is made in the main report (eg. page 11) to a methodology update paper. Unfortunately this paper is not yet available. We hope to publish this later in 2015.