Updated energy and emissions projections: 2018
Projections of greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand from 2018 to 2035.
The report contains projections of UK performance against national greenhouse gas targets under existing policies. It includes projections of the demand for each type of fuel in different sectors of the economy. The publication discusses the projected demand for electricity and indicates what mix of generation will meet it.
All enquiries about the projections should be sent to:
Please note that we are unable to provide any breakdown of projected renewable electricity generation, capacity or new build by technology.
May 2019 - Annex M: Growth assumptions and prices - file updated
This data has been revised and re-issued.
Updates to this page
Annex M Growth assumptions and prices - updated and reissued.
Annex M: Growth assumptions and prices. Data is being revised and will be re-issued by end April 2019. Energy prices are available in the Web data tables on this page, which support the guidance on the valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for appraisal.
First published.