Vaccine update: issue 269, August 2017
This vaccine update provides immunisation practitioners with the latest developments in vaccines, vaccination policies and procedures.
This edition features:
- more about the RIgS team
- Varicella (chickenpox)
- CQC findings – immunisation in primary care
- new regular feature: Meet the team
- annual flu vaccine uptake – how are you doing?
- vaccine ordering information for the children’s national flu vaccination programme
- school providers
- inactivated flu vaccine ordering
- vaccine Information and availability 2017 to 2018
- change to InterVax BCG vaccine recommendations
- update on availability of hexavalent vaccine (Infanrix hexa®)
- vaccine supply for non-routine programmes
- MMR given before the first birthday
- focus on shingles - an update on the new shingles resources
- giving a second dose of Fluenz Tetra for children in at risk groups
- publishing changes