Promotional material

Veterans World

Veterans World promotes awareness of help, advice and support available to the veterans community.

This publication was withdrawn on

This page is out of date.


Veterans World: issue 38, April 2016

Veterans World: issue 35, July 2015

Veterans World: issue 32, June 2014

Veterans World: issue 31, March 2014


Veterans World hardcopy is no longer in publication, articles that would normally have been featured within Veterans World are now being developed in the Veterans Today blog which promotes awareness of help and the advice and support available to the veterans community. If you have any submissions that you’d like to see included on the blog please send them to the Veterans Today email.

Veterans Today raises awareness of help, advice and support available to veterans and their families via organisations, government, the voluntary and charitable sectors.

At Veterans UK we want to make sure that as many serving personnel, Veterans and their families are aware of the many kinds of support and advice available to them, when they need it, and that it is up to date.

If you have any queries about Veterans UK please use the contacts below

Veterans UK helpline

Veterans UK
Ministry of Defence
Thornton Cleveleys


Freephone (UK only): 0808 1914 2 18

Telephone (overseas): +44 1253 866 043

Our current opening hours are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. Please email us for enquiries outside these times.

Older issues can be found on the UK government web archive

Updates to this page

Published 1 June 2005
Last updated 23 May 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated information on Veterans World

  2. Updated the details

  3. Latest edition of Veterans World added Issue 41

  4. Latest edition of Veterans World issue 40 published

  5. Replaced latest Veterans World edition

  6. Latest edition of Veteran's World added

  7. Latest edition of Veterans World published

  8. Replaced issue 37.

  9. Added February 2016 issue

  10. The latest edition of Veterans World is now available.

  11. Veterans World issue 35 added.

  12. Added issue 34 and amended link to latest issue of publication.

  13. Updated contact details

  14. Added contact details

  15. First published.

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