Windrush Community Fund projects
Information on Community Fund projects and case studies raising awareness of the Windrush Scheme and Windrush Compensation Scheme.
The Windrush Community Fund provides up to £500,000 of financial support available to charity, community or grassroots organisations across the UK to fund projects which raise awareness of the Windrush Scheme, the Windrush Compensation Scheme or both.
The case studies document highlights how, with funding from the Windrush Community Fund, grassroots community organisations are adopting unique ways to encourage affected Windrush communities to make applications to the Windrush Schemes.
Applications for Phase 1 funding opened from December 2020 to February 2021.
Applications for Phase 2 funding opened from 1 April to 30 June 2021.
Funding was awarded to the successful applicants from March 2021.
Updates to this page
Added Windrush Community Fund Phase 1: projects.
Removal of Windrush Community Fund Phase 1: projects document.
Added details of phase 2 Community Fund awards.
New Windrush Community Fund Phase 1: case studies document added.
First published.