Woodfuel guidance version 2
These documents set out how to comply with RHI, RO and CFD woody biomass land criteria.
This woodfuel guidance sets out the land criteria for those producing heat and electricity from woodfuel. The first edition of the Woodfuel Guidance, published in 2014, stated that generators and participants must comply with the Timber Standard’s sustainability principles.
These principles have since been written directly into the Renewables Obligation Order 2015 and the Renewable Heat Incentive Regulations 2011 (as amended) and are incorporated into the Contract for Difference and Investment Contracts. Version 2 of the Woodfuel Guidance contains some re-referencing and some minor changes to the terminology to account for this change. To improve the clarity of the guidance some other minor changes have been made to the ordering and phrasing but the intention was to avoid substantial changes to the recommended sustainability practices set out in the first edition of the guidance.
To avoid confusion around terminology, references to ‘woodfuel criteria’ now refer to ‘woody biomass land criteria’ and ‘Timber Standard Category A and B’ now refers to ‘Biomass Category A and B’.