
Provider memo 16: Amendments to chapters 10, 11 and 14

Updated 11 February 2025

This memo is for Work and Health Programme (WHP) providers.

Issued by: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team


1. The purpose of this memo is to inform you of recent amendments made to chapters 10, 11 and 14 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

Summary and action

2. Please ensure, with immediate effect, that the following information about the chapters is read in full and used by you and all of your supply chain partners.

Table: changes made to the provider guidance

Chapter Paragraph Title Summary of change Date of guidance change Version number
10 High Level Must Do’s Change of circumstances and notifications Updated all high level process maps to make the steps clearer. 30/08/19 5
10 1 Change of circumstances and notifications Updated paragraph to clarify key points relating to when a provider must notify DWP of a change of circumstances. 30/08/19 5
10 Paragraph 1 Action point 3 Change of circumstances and notifications Updated to clarify that the provider must continue to attempt to make contact and re-engage with the Participant pending the return of the CEPD1/UC78e as agreed in their tender. 30/08/19 5
10 Paragraphs 4-7 and Actions Change of circumstances and notifications Addition of new section ‘Jobcentre Plus Work and Health Programme Interview Following Voluntary Participant Dis-engagement’ to provide detail of provider actions required following this intervention. 30/08/19 5
10 Paragraphs 9-10 and Actions Change of circumstances and notifications Updated section ‘Voluntary Participant Reaches 24-month Unemployment and Meets Long Term Unemployed (LTU) Eligibility’. Moved to the front of the chapter to include clear actions and consequence box. Previously in paragraph 66 and 67 of v6. 30/08/19 5
10 Paragraph 102 Change of circumstances and notifications Removal of link to Work and Heath Programme Chapter 18 (now withdrawn) and replaced with a link to WHP Chapter 14. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 2 Programme completers and early exits Updated paragraph wording to include ‘these exceptional’ and removed ‘listed below’. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 3 Programme completers and early exits Updated to clarify the requirement to complete the Exit Report face to face after completion of programme 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 4 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to 3rd bullet point to read ‘Complete the Exit Report following the end of provision…’ 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 5 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify frequency of Exit Report requests. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 6 Programme completers and early exits Updated paragraph to clarify the sending of Exit Reports only if requested. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 7 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify ‘Day 1 will be the date the request is made by Jobcentre Plus’. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 8 Action point 1 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to reflect activity to locate Exit Report. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 8 Action point 2 Programme completers and early exits Removal of wording of ‘Single point of Contact’ and addition of the 10 day return. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 10 Programme completers and early exits Updated wording from ‘as part of’ to ‘satisfy’. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 12 Programme completers and early exits Addition of new paragraph to clarify when action is required to return ESF14-20m End Form. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 12 Action points Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to state where ESF forms are to be returned and requirement to return within 4 weeks of completion. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 14-16 Programme completers and early exits Addition of paragraphs regarding process for failure to attend meeting to complete Exit Report. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 20-25 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify In Work Support (IWS) actions and process to follow if the participant falls out of work during IWS period. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 28 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify actions and process to follow when participant reaches earnings threshold and completion of programme. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 29 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to confirm automated line closure in Provider Referrals and Payments (PRaP). 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 31-36 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording detailing action to be taken in PRaP. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 40 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify use of Exit Report Template and approval process. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 45-46 Programme completers and early exits Addition of paragraphs to clarify exceptional circumstances when a full 500 words Exit Report cannot be completed. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 48 Programme completers and early exits Updated paragraph to remind of GDPR considerations. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 49-63 Programme completers and early exits Addition of paragraphs to outline process for Jobcentre Plus requesting Exit Reports and Provider responsibility to return within 10 days of request. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 64-66 Programme completers and early exits Addition of paragraphs to include process when an Exit Report is sent to Jobcentre Plus incorrectly. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraphs 67-68 Programme completers and early exits Addition of paragraphs to reflect ad hoc requests for Exit Reports. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 69 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify ESF14-20m End form notifies of status within 4 weeks of completion. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 70 Programme completers and early exits Updated wording from ‘DWP’ to ‘DWP ESF Admin team’. DWP 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 72 Programme completers and early exits Addition of new paragraph to clarify process for when a participant becomes deceased. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 75 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to clarify subject field of email for ESF14-20m End form. 30/08/19 5
11 Paragraph 77 Programme completers and early exits Addition of wording to reinforce requirement to adhere with document retention requirements. 30/08/19 5
14 Paragraph 7 Validation Updated wording to clarify ESF14-20m End form notifies of status within 4 weeks of completion of programme. 30/08/19 5
14 Paragraphs 22 and 45 Validation Updated to clarify that an ESF 14-20m End form must be completed and returned. 30/08/19 5
14 Paragraph 27 Validation Removal of hyperlink to Generic Provider Guidance Chapter 11b - European Social Fund (ESF) requirements 2014-2020 (England Only). 30/08/19 5
14 Paragraph 64 Validation Updated link to ‘Guide to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The Principles’. 30/08/19 5
14 General Validation Replaced all references from ESF 14-20 end form to ESF 14-20m End Form. 30/08/19 5
14 General Validation Updated all references from ‘WHP’ where applicable to ‘Work and Health Programme’. 30/08/19 5
14 General Validation Updated all references from ‘provision’ to ‘programme’ where applicable. 30/08/19 5
14 General Validation Updated all references to appropriate paragraph numbers following removal of paragraph 27. 30/08/19 5

Further information

If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: