
Work and Health Programme provider memos

Work and Health Programme provider memos.


Provider memo 02: Incorrect marker visible on mandatory long-term unemployed referrals to Work and Health Programme within Provider Referrals and Payments

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Provider memo 01: Change to inappropriate referrals process

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These memos provide updates to the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

Updates to this page

Published 22 August 2018
Last updated 11 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added provider memo 91 to the page.

  2. Added 'Provider memo 90: Better Off Calculations'

  3. Provider memo 89 added to collection.

  4. Added 'Provider memo 88: Streamlining Chapter 1 and 3 WHP Provider Guidance'.

  5. Added Provider memo 87: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including WHP Pioneer Guidance.

  6. Added WHP Provider memo 86: Good News Stories.

  7. Added Provider memo 84: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance and Provider memo 85: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including WHP Pioneer Guidance.

  8. Added Work and Health Programme Provider memo 83: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance.

  9. Added Provider memo 82: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance.

  10. Added provider memo 76 amending the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance. The memo explains that providers must not include the names of any individuals in caseload data returns.

  11. Created Provider memo 80: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance

  12. Added Provider memo 79: WHP Signposting Referrals

  13. Added Work and Health Programme memo LRM 78: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance.

  14. Published 2 Live Running Memos (LRM): WHP LRM 73: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance to include Pioneer, and WHP LRM 74: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance, ESF Requirement Changes.

  15. Added WHP LRM 75: Addition of two Early Access Disadvantaged Groups

  16. Added Work and Health Programme provider LRM 72: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance.

  17. Added provider memo 71, this has information about amendments to chapters 3 and 16 of the provider guidance.

  18. Added Provider memo 70: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance - HTML attachment created

  19. DWP have added Provider memo 69: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance.

  20. Added Provider memo 68: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance, 67: Amendments to Work and Health Programme Referral Process, memo 66: End of Provision Referral to Starts and memo 65: Work and Health Programme (including JETS) Provider guidance updates.

  21. Added Provider memo 64: Work and Health Programme (including JETS) Provider guidance updates.

  22. Added Work and Health Programme provider memo 61: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance.

  23. Added Work and Health Programme provider memo 60: Amendments to Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance.

  24. Added Work and Health Provider memo 59: Public Sector Comparator.

  25. Added Work and Health Programme provider memo 58: Definition change to the Early Access Disadvantaged Group (EAG) ‘Young People in Gangs’.

  26. Added Provider memo: 26: Access to Work Holistic Assessments Live Running Memo and Provider memo 57: Issue identified related to when providers are aware that a Participant is an SCR case or has MAPPA restrictions with SCR status for ESF audit requirements.

  27. Added provider memos 54 and 55.

  28. Added an annex at the end of provider memo 53. This annex explains the eligibility definition for the new Early Access Group for Afghan Resettlers.

  29. Added provider memo 53. This has information about a recent amendment to chapter 2 of the Work and Health Programme (COVID 19) including JETS provider guidance.

  30. Updated table of changes in provider memo 52 to change the version number of chapter 1 from 7 to 6.

  31. Added 'Provider memo 52: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID 19) including JETS Provider Guidance'.

  32. Added memo 51 - this has information about the temporary withdrawal of chapter 19 from the provider guidance.

  33. Added memo 27 - this has information about changes to the self-employment outcome validation process and memo 49 - this has information about recent changes to the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) provider guidance.

  34. Added 'Provider memo 48: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID 19) including JETS Provider Guidance'.

  35. Added 'Provider memo 46: RTE issue - WHP Core to WHP JETs (England and Wales) and vice versa'.

  36. Added memo 45 - this has information about recent changes to the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) provider guidance.

  37. Added 'Provider memo 44: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS provider guidance'.

  38. Added provider memo 43: Amendments to Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  39. Added memo 42 - this has information about recent changes to the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) provider guidance.

  40. Added memo 41 - this has information about recent changes to chapter 16 of the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) provider guidance.

  41. Added memo 40 - this has information about recent changes to the Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) provider guidance.

  42. Added memo 39 - this has information about changes to the self-referral process.

  43. Added memos 37 and 38. Memo 37 has information about the Job Entry Targeted Support (JETS) guidance and memo 38 has information about a change made to Chapter 2 of the JETS guidance.

  44. Added memo 36 - about an updated version of the WHPS01 form.

  45. Added memo 33 - about chapter 16 of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  46. Added memo 32 - about new Coronavirus (Covid-19) Work and Health Programme provider guidance that will be published on this website on 15 July 2020. This is temporary provider guidance for use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic only.

  47. Added memos 30 and 31. Memo 30 has information about changes made to the Work and Health Programme (WHP) design, to take into account a number of measures required because of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Memo 31 has information about the draft Coronavirus (Covid-19) WHP self-referral provider guidance.

  48. Added memo 29, this has information about recent changes made to chapter 10 the provider guidance.

  49. Added memo 28, this has information about updates to the mandation processes and provider guidance.

  50. Added memos 25 and 27, these have information about recent changes made to annex 2 of the provider guidance.

  51. Added provider memo 23: Amendments to Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance chapter 10 'Change of circumstances and notifications' and Annex 2 'Forms and letters'.

  52. Added memo 24, this has information about the incorrect completion of ESF1420m forms (Initial).

  53. Added memos 18 and 19, these have information about incorrect referrals to the Work and Health Programme.

  54. Added memo 22, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 5b and 9 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  55. Added provider memo 21, this has information about an updated Exit Report template.

  56. Added memo 20, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 2, 3, 5a and 16 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  57. Added memo 17, this has information about the implementation of the request and return of Exit Reports process for participants completing the Work and Health Programme.

  58. Added memo 16, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 10, 11 and 14 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  59. Added memos 14 and 15, these have information about recent changes made to the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  60. Added memo 13, this has information about the withdrawal of Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance Chapter 18 European Social Fund (England only).

  61. Added memo 12, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 3 & 16 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  62. Added memo 11, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 8 and 12 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  63. Added memo 10, this has information about recent changes made to chapters 3, 7 and 14 of the Work and Health Programme provider guidance.

  64. Added memo 09 'Amendments to Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance'.

  65. Added provider memo 08: Process to end the Real Time Earnings feed for inappropriate and duplicate referrals to the Work and Health Programme.

  66. Added provider memo 6 (about general changes made to the provider guidance), and memo 7 (about changes made to chapters 6 and 10 of the provider guidance).

  67. Added provider memos 3 (about form UC78e), 4 (about Customer Service Standards) and 5 (about inappropriate referrals).

  68. First published.

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