
Provider memo 91: Inclusion of £3 and £4k pings and date clarification

Updated 11 February 2025

To: Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Memo serial number: WHP LRM 91

Subject: Inclusion of £3 and £4k pings & date clarification

Action: For information

Timing: Immediate


1. This memo is to notify you of changes that have been made to Chapter 13, 15 and 16 of the Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance:

Summary and Action

2. WHP Provider Guidance Chapters have been updated in line with the changes notified to you on 9 December 2024 in PRaP Live Support bulletin Memo Serial Number 29.24 and amendments for clarification. Chapter 15 has also been updated to include a date clarification. All Chapters should be read in full and used by you and your supply chain partners.

Chapter Paragraph Chapter Title Summary of Change Version number
13 23 bullet 2 Funding Model Inclusion of £3,000 and £4,000 V11
15 17 Data Sharing between DWP and Providers Clarification - Wording has been updated to include the date of when Exit Reports are required. V15
15 Annex A Data Sharing between DWP and Providers Inclusion of Claimants earnings reach £3,000 and Claimants earnings reach £4,000 in table. V15
15 Annex A Data Sharing between DWP and Providers Please Note wording updated to: The actual figure is based on the national living wage (NLW) at any given time and is therefore subject to change. V15
16 18 Performance Management, Assurance and Compliance Monitoring Inclusion of £3,000 and £4,000. V11

Further Information 

3. If you have any queries about this memo, please


Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team