
Provider memo 64: Work and Health Programme (including JETS) Provider guidance updates

Updated 23 December 2024

To: National Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Subject: Work and Health Programme (including JETS) Provider guidance updates

Action: For information and action

Timing: Immediate


This memo is to inform you that the Work and Health Programme (including JETS) Self-Employed outcome validation process has been updated with immediate effect from and including the 5th of October 2022.

Please Note: Local Government Partners will only be affected for self-employed outcomes submitted from and including 1st November 2022.

WHP provider guidance (including JETS) Chapter 14 Paragraph 48 has been updated to reflect the changes and will be published on 1st November 2022.


Whilst the extension will deliver several changes to the Work and Health Programme, updates to the Self-employed validation process came into effect for National Providers from 5th of October 2022.


A Self-Employed Outcome for Work and Health Programme Core will be achieved when the Participant has been in business on a self-employed basis for a cumulative period of 182 days (26 weeks), within their 639-day period (made up of a maximum 456 calendar days on programme, and 182 days qualifying period).

As part of making a successful claim for performance, the provider must identify and submit Self Employed Outcome claims within 90 days of the Self-Employed outcome being achieved.

Where a self-employed outcome is achieved between day 601 and 639, at the end of the qualifying period, you still have up to day 700 to submit a claim in PRaP. If an outcome is achieved on the last day (day 639), the maximum time limit to claim is 61 days.


You and your supply chain partner[s] must familiarise yourselves with the above process and use the updated version of Provider Guidance published on GOV.UK. Work and Health Programme including JETS provider guidance - GOV.UK ( from 1 of November 2022.

Further Information

If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: