
Provider memo 70: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance

Updated 11 February 2025

To: Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Subject: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance

Action: For information and action

Timing: Immediate


The purpose of this memo is to inform you of amendments that have been made to the following guidance chapters:

Summary and Action

  1. After receiving numerous concerns around the notification of MAPPA referrals, a new process has been implemented to help safeguard both the Providers and the Participant. This has been outlined in Chapters 3 and 3b.
  2. In addition to the MAPPA changes we have also made additional changes to Chapter 11 and 13 which are outlined below.
  3. Please ensure, with immediate effect, that the revised information in the following Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance chapters is used by you and all subcontractors.
Chapter Paragraph Chapter Title Summary of Change Date of Guidance Change Version Number
3 Paragraph 4 bullets 1 and 2 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Updated wording in Referral - Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) cases to provide clarification. 1 May 11
3 Paragraph 6-12 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start New section MAPPA referrals made to provision but with no notification from Jobcentre Plus 1 May 11
3 Paragraph 13-19 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start New Section MAPPA Restrictions applied after they have started on the programme 1 May 11
3 Paragraph 123 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Updated wording in Procedure for MAPPA Cases to advise that MAPPA J will only be sent where appropriate 1 May 11
3 Paragraph 124 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Updated wording to also include the following “Under no circumstances should a MAPPAJ form be held on an IT system” 1 May 11
3 Paragraph 127-129 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Insert new section Issuing of an electronic device to MAPPA Participants 1 May 11
3b 4 bullets 1 & 2 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Updated wording in Referral - Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) cases to provide clarification. 1 May 12
3b Paragraph 6-12 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start New section MAPPA referrals made to provision but with no notification from Jobcentre Plus 1 May 12
3b Paragraph 13-20 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start New Section MAPPA Restrictions applied after they have started on the programme 1 May 12
3b Paragraph 133-134 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Updated wording 1 May 12
3b Paragraph 137-139 Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start Issuing of an electronic device to MAPPA Participants 1 May 12
11 Paragraph 1-2 Participant completes the work and health programme Changes to when exit report pack and final action plan applies 1 May 15
11 Paragraph 89 Participant reaches earnings threshold/self employed claim fully validated Please note: If the participant is expected to achieve an outcome or you are receiving RTE threshold pings you should not enter a PRaP leaver reason as this will be updated automatically.   1 May 15
11 Paragraph 49, 58 Heading reference changed from started to referred “For participants referred on or after 1st November 2022 1 May 15
13 Please Note Section under paragraph 22 Funding Model Updated wording to always refer to WHP Provider Guidance Chapter 3 for the correct process to take for Participants who move into employment/self-employment or have had a job offer between referral and start. 1 May 7

Further Information

If you have any queries about this memo, please contact:


Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team