
Provider memo 61: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance

Updated 11 February 2025

To: Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Subject: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance

Action: For information

Timing: Immediate


The purpose of this memo is to inform you of amendments that have been made to the following guidance chapters:

Summary and action

1. Please ensure, with immediate effect, that the revised information in the following Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance chapters is used by you and all of your subcontractors.

Chapter Paragraph Chapter Title Summary of Change Date of Guidance Change Version number
1 Paras 25 to 31 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Introduction and Overview Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 11
3 Paras 16 to 18 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start (WHP Core) Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 8
3b Paras 25 to 27 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start (for WHP JETS) Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 9
4 Paras 1 to 3 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Action Planning Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 8
6 Paras 55 to 58 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Working with Participants with complex needs and/or additional support requirements Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 5
11 Paras 16 to 18 inclusive

Addition of new paragraphs
Programme completers and early exits Provides clarification for providers to obtain (and retain for evidence) participants signatures in a digital format. This information also includes specific ESF requirements. Aug 2022 11

Further Information

2. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: