Provider memo 86: Good News Stories
Updated 11 February 2025
To: Work and Health Programme Providers
From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team
Subject: Good News Stories
Action: For information
Timing: Immediate
1. As part of your contract with DWP you are expected to provide and share Good News Stories with your Performance Manager.
2. This memo is to notify you of changes to the Good News Stories template and inform you of changes that have been made to Chapter 15 and 16 of the Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance which is located here:
- Chapter 15 Data Sharing between DWP and Providers
- Chapter 16: Performance Management, Assurance and Compliance Monitoring
Summary and Action
3. Following feedback from stakeholders we have reviewed and updated the existing Good News Stories template. This can be located in Annex 2 of the WHP Provider Guidance that can be found on Jaggaer.
4. The Good News Stories template should be completed and shared with your Performance Manager. There are no restrictions to the number that can be submitted.
5. WHP Provider Guidance has been updated and should be read in full and used by you and your supply chain partners. Particular attention should be given to Chapter 15 and 16, as changes have been made which are detailed in the table below.
Chapter | Paragraph | Chapter title | Summary of change | Date of guidance change | Version number |
Chapter 15 | Para 1 | Data Sharing between DWP and Provider | Bullet modified | – | V14 |
Chapter 15 | Para 45 | Data Sharing between DWP and Provider | Para added on Data retention | – | V14 |
Chapter 16 | Para 1 | Performance Management, Assurance and Compliance Monitoring | Please note deleted | – | V10 |
Chapter 16 | Para 35 | Performance Management, Assurance and Compliance Monitoring | Additional bullet added to the CPR section | – | V10 |
Chapter 16 | Para 36 | Performance Management, Assurance and Compliance Monitoring | Additional Paragraph added on Good News Stories | – | V10 |
Further Information
6. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: WHP.ENQUIRIES@DWP.GOV.UK
Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team