
Provider memo 49: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID 19) including JETS Provider Guidance

Updated 23 December 2024

This memo is for Work and Health Programme (WHP) providers.

Issued by: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Action: For information

Timing: Immediate


1. This memo informs you of amendments that have been made to the following Work and Health Programme (COVID 19) including JETS Provider Guidance Chapters.

Summary and action

2. The information in Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance should be read in full and used by you and all of your supply chain partners. Particular attention should be given to Chapters 3 and 3b and to Chapter15.

3. Chapter 15 now provides a process for addressing requests received from a Participant to remove their personal information from the Providers systems.

Please Note: The process outlined in Chapter 15 is for new requests received from the date of this memo.

Table of changes

Chapter Paragraph Title Summary of change Date of guidance change Version number
15 23-43 COVID-19 Data Sharing Between DWP and Providers New Process on how Providers should handle Erasure requests from Participants 24/09/2021 3
Annex 2 WHP RTE Acc v 1.0 Your Individual Rights – erasure request Notification of Acceptance Will be issued via Jaggaer 24/09/2021 V1.0
Annex 2 WHP RTE Rej v1.0 Your Individual Rights – erasure request Notification of Refusal Will be issued via Jaggaer 24/09/2021 V1.0
Annex 2 WHP RTE Acc v 1.0 Welsh Your Individual Rights – erasure request Notification of Acceptance Will be issued via Jaggaer 24/09/2021 V1.0
Annex 2 WHP RTE Rej v1.0 Welsh Your Individual Rights – erasure request Notification of Refusal Will be issued via Jaggaer 24/09/2021 V1.0
3 4 & 84 COVID-19 Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start Removal of the following wording. “You will receive the referral, minus the address, postcode and contact telephone number” 24/09/2021 4
3 88 COVID-19 Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start Changed wording from: “should be marked that it is a MAPPA case” to:“should be marked training and employment restrictions apply” 24/09/2021 4
3b 4 & 112 COVID-19 (for WHP JETS) Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start Removal of the following wording. “You will receive the referral, minus the address, postcode and contact telephone number” 24/09/2021 5
3b 116 COVID-19 (for WHP JETS) Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start Changed wording from: “should be marked that it is a MAPPA case” to: “should be marked training and employment restrictions apply” 24/09/2021 5

Further Information

4. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: WHP.ENQUIRIES@DWP.GOV.UK