
Provider memo 76: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS Provider Guidance - names in caseload data returns

Updated 11 February 2025

To: Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Action: For information

Timing: With immediate effect


DWP has reviewed the returns submitted by providers supplying information relating to caseload sizes for individual staff members on the Work and Health Programme. It has been determined that this information as it is currently presented, contravenes UK GDPR as it identifies individuals by name.

This memo is to inform you of the remedial action that should be undertaken when submitting this information.

Summary and action

With immediate effect or from your next return, caseload data returns should not include the name of any individuals.

You are permitted to retain a version of the return containing individual staff names for your own purpose and for presenting at contract performance reviews (CPRs). However, these names must be removed from the version that you submit to your Performance Manager prior to sending.

Further Information

If you have any queries about this memo, please contact:


Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team