
Provider memo 44: Amendments to Work and Health Programme (COVID-19) including JETS provider guidance

Updated 11 February 2025

This memo is for Work and Health Programme (WHP) providers.

Issued by: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Action: For information

Timing: Immediate


The purpose of this memo is to inform you of amendments that have been made to the following guidance chapters:

In addition to this, the CEPD1 and UC78e change of circumstances notification forms have now been updated to include drop downs for the JETS provision so the subject line in the email should now include this in the description when you receive them from Jobcentre Plus.

Summary and action

1. Please ensure, with immediate effect, that the revised information in the following Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance chapters is used by you and all of your subcontractors.

2. With immediate effect please ensure you use the appropriate drop downs for the correct provision.

Chapter Paragraph Title Summary of change Date of guidance change Version number
3 19,20,21
Addition of new paragraphs
Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start Provides clarification of the eligibility criteria from January 1st 2021 for European Economic Area (EEA) nationals already in the UK May 2021 2.1
3 25 – Actions
Addition of new bullet
Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start - correct, including where information is collected directly from participants, the gender identity of participants should be recorded (that is, the gender that the participant wishes to be identified with) May 2021 2.1
3b 63 – Actions
Addition of new bullet
(for WHP JETS) Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start - correct, including where information is collected directly from participants, the gender identity of participants should be recorded (that is, the gender that the participant wishes to be identified with) May 2021 3.1
14 20
Amendment of paragraph wording
Validation Provides further clarification how DWP will track Participant earnings for The Work and Health Programme (WHP core) May 2021 2.1
13 4, 12
Addition of new paragraphs
Funding model Provides further clarification SEISS grant and furloughed employed customers May 2021 3.0

Further Information

3. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: