
Provider memo 19: Incorrect customer group referrals

Updated 11 February 2025

This memo is for Work and Health Programme (WHP) providers.

Issued by: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team.

This memo was issued to providers on 12 September 2019.


Customers are eligible for the WHP if they meet eligibility under one of 3 groups. These are:

  • Long Term Unemployed
  • Early Access Group
  • Disabled and Health Conditions

The customer group determines whether participants may have voluntary or mandatory participation requirements.

It has been identified that on a small number of occasions some participants have been referred to the WHP under the incorrect customer group.

This memo is to confirm the process that should be followed for those have been incorrectly referred on the incorrect group.

The following information has been updated in provider guidance chapter 3.

With immediate effect, you should follow the steps outlined below.

Summary and action

After consideration of the impacts of the above scenarios, a decision has been made that Participants will remain on the initial referral. This decision will help to reduce the additional activities that would be required to correct the referral, and protect the Real Time Earnings feed.

The approach outlined will minimise the impact on both the participant and the provider and ensure consistency across the programme.

1. Participant referred as voluntary participant when they should be a mandatory participant.

In situations where the participant is a voluntary participant and they are actively engaging in the programme, they will remain on the programme under the initial referral.

Where the participant subsequently disengages they will become a mandatory participant as outlined in the provider guidance chapter 10.

2. Participant referred as mandatory participant when they should be a voluntary participant.

Upon identification of the error, Jobcentre Plus will contact you to notify you to stop interaction with the participant.

Upon notification from Jobcentre Plus you should investigate whether there are any outstanding mandation activity or compliance doubts and take the appropriate steps to remove or not progress.

The participant will then be invited back into Jobcentre Plus for an interview to give them the choice to determine whether they wish to stay on the programme or leave.

3. Participant decides to remain on the WHP

You will be notified by Jobcentre Plus via a change of circumstances form if the participant decides to remain on the programme. Upon receipt of the change of circumstances form you should update the participant’s record to ensure that the most appropriate support is available to the participant now they are voluntary.

Please note: If these participants have any outstanding mandatory activity, you must notify them the mandatory element is no longer applicable. If you are in the process of raising a compliance doubt for any of these participants, you must not progress them any further.

4. Participant decides not to remain on the WHP

You will be notified by Jobcentre Plus via a change of circumstances form if the participant decides to not continue taking part in the programme. Upon receipt of the change of circumstances form you should take the most appropriate action to cancel the referral.

If the error is discovered prior to acknowledgement in Provider Referrals and Payments (PRaP), signpost the participant back to Jobcentre Plus and reject the referral in PRaP, recording Reason Code 10 (Other).

If the error is discovered after acknowledgement in PRaP, complete a PRaP14 and send to POST at:

You will be notified via email of approval and you should update the participants record with an End Date and Reason Code 37 (no longer eligible) in PRaP.

You should then signpost the participant back to Jobcentre Plus.

POST will complete the actions to back the referral out and will contact you via email to notify you that this has been completed.

Upon receipt of the email you must promptly cancel the referral in PRaP recording a cancellation reason of No Contact.

Further information contact details

If you have any queries about this memo, please contact