Provider memo 82: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance
Updated 11 February 2025
To: Work and Health Programme Providers
From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team
Subject: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance
Action: For information
Timing: Immediate
1. The purpose of this memo is to inform you of amendments that have been made to the following guidance chapters:
- Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
- Chapter 2 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral
- Chapter 2b Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral – WHP Pioneer
- withdrawn – Chapter 3b Acknowledging referrals, initial participant engagement and registering a start (WHP JETS)
- Chapter 4 Action Planning
Summary and Action
2. The information in the Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance should be read in full and used by you and your supply chain partners. Particular attention should be given to Chapters 1, 2, 2b, 3b and 4 as detailed in the table below.
Chapter | Paragraph | Chapter title | Summary of change | Date of guidance change | Version number |
Chapter 1 | Throughout | Introduction and Overview | Removal of references to JETS throughout Chapter as programme now ended. | December 2023 | V16 |
Chapter 2 | Throughout | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral | Removal of references to JETS throughout Chapter as programme now ended. | December 2023 | V18 |
Chapter 2 | Introduction paragraph 2 | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral | Section updated to also include suitability - new bullets and please note added to clarify that individuals close to the job market who do not need support to secure employment, would not be suitable. | December 2023 | V18 |
Chapter 2 | Paragraph 7 | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral | Wording in bullets updated to bring in line with other chapters – no change to eligibility. | December 2023 | V18 |
Chapter 2b | Introduction paragraph 1 | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral – WHP Pioneer | Section updated to also include suitability - new bullets and please note added to clarify that individuals close to the job market who do not need support to secure employment, would not be suitable. | December 2023 | V4 |
Chapter 2b | Paragraph 16 and 21 | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral – WHP Pioneer | Addition of a please note to clarify that individuals close to the job market who do not need support to secure employment, would not be suitable. | December 2023 | V4 |
Chapter 2b | Paragraph 21 bullets 2 and 3 | Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral – WHP Pioneer | Bullets updated to include Please note this may not be deemed applicable for Potential Participants who are not in receipt of Job Centre Plus support. | December 2023 | V4 |
Chapter 3b | Withdrawal of Chapter | Acknowledging referrals, initial Participant engagement and registering a start | JETS programme has now ended so Chapter withdrawn. | December 2023 | V12 |
Chapter 4 | Throughout | Action Planning | Removal of references to JETS throughout Chapter as programme now ended. | December 2023 | V13 |
Further Information
3. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: WHP.ENQUIRIES@DWP.GOV.UK
Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team