Provider memo 17: Exit Reports process
Updated 11 February 2025
This memo is for Work and Health Programme (WHP) providers.
Issued by: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team
1. Background
It is a requirement that providers produce an Exit Report for participants on completion of the Work and Health Programme.
The Exit Report is a key tool providing insight into a participant’s time on the programme and information to inform next steps and continuation of support.
Jobcentre Plus will request Exit Reports for those participants who complete the Work and Health Programme and are required to take part in a completer interview.
2. Summary and action
The purpose of this memo is to confirm that Jobcentre Plus will commence requests for Exit Reports from 9 September 2019. These requests will be made for participants who complete the Work and Health Programme from 2 September 2019 onwards.
You may also receive ad hoc requests for Exit Reports for historic participants where Jobcentre Plus feel a copy may be beneficial.
You are reminded of the requirement to return all Exit Reports within 10 days of the request being made by Jobcentre Plus. This forms part of your tender Customer Service Standards.
The Work and Health Programme provider guidance chapter 11: programme completers and early exits has been updated to contain additional information regarding the process for the request for Exit Reports and their return to Jobcentre Plus.
This memo also confirms that there will not be a formal exercise to request Exit Reports for participants who have completed the Work and Health Programme prior to 2 September 2019.
3. Further information
If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: