
Provider memo 84: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance

Updated 11 February 2025

To: Work and Health Programme Providers

From: Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team

Subject: Amendments to Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance

Action: For information

Timing: Immediate


1. The purpose of this memo is to inform you of amendments that have been made to the following guidance chapters:

Summary and Action

2. The information in the Work and Health Programme including JETS Provider Guidance has been updated and streamlined to remove any duplication within the chapters. The WHP Provider guidance should be read in full and used by you and your supply chain partners. Particular attention should be given to Chapter 2 and Chapter 2b, as detailed in the table below.

Chapter Paragraph Chapter title Summary of change Date of guidance change Version number
Chapter 2 2 and 3 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Eligibility and Suitability Criteria moved to the front of Chapter and duplication removed 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 Please Note Added after bullet 5 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Clarification given on the upper age limit 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 8 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 15 and 16 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Clarification of Work and Health Programme benefit regimes 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 19 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Wording updated 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 20 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 24 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2 27 to 30 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated and additional wording given on the LTU and disengagement 07/02/2024 V19
Chapter 2b Please note added after contents sections Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Please note added referring to WHP Core Provider guidance 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b Please note added after contents sections Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Please note moved up on good news stories 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 1 to 3 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Eligibility and Suitability Criteria moved to the front of Chapter and duplication removed 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b Please note after bullet 4 added Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Clarification given on the upper age limit 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 7 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 15 and additional Please note added Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Clarification of Work and Health Programme benefit regimes given and please note added 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 17 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Wording updated 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 18 and 19 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph streamlined 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 23 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph streamlined 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b 26 to 29 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Paragraph wording updated and additional wording given on the LTU and disengagement 07/02/2024 V5
Chapter 2b Please note after para 30 Participant Identification, Eligibility and Referral Please note wording updated 07/02/2024 V5

Further Information

3. If you have any queries about this memo, please contact: WHP.ENQUIRIES@DWP.GOV.UK

Work and Health Programme Operational Policy Team