Table ATT0201
Levels of belief in climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46 KB)
Table ATT0202
Levels of concern about climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47.5 KB)
Table ATT0203
Perceived personal influence with regards to limiting climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 49.5 KB)
Table ATT0204
Willingness to change behaviour to limit climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 51.5 KB)
Table ATT0205
Perceived contributors to climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 26.5 KB)
Table ATT0206
Which forms of transport are perceived as contributing to climate change (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 27.5 KB)
Table ATT0207
Frequency of car travel (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0208
Change in level of car use over the last 12 months (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0209
Willingness to reduce car use (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48 KB)
Table ATT0210
Proportion of adults willing to reduce their car use, broken down by opinions on achievability (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 41.5 KB)
Table ATT0211
Willingness to share car journeys more often instead of driving alone - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0212
Proportion of drivers willing to share car journeys more often rather than driving alone, broken down by opinions on achievability - full licence holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 41 KB)
Table ATT0213
Frequency of public transport use (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46 KB)
Table ATT0214
Willingness to use public transport more often instead of travelling by car (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 49.5 KB)
Table ATT0215
Proportion of adults willing to use public transport more often instead of travelling by car, broken down by opinions on achievability (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 40.5 KB)
Table ATT0216
Frequency of cycling (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 43 KB)
Table ATT0217
Willingness to cycle more often instead of travelling by car (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48.5 KB)
Table ATT0218
Proportion of adults willing to cycle more often instead of travelling by car, broken down by opinions on achievability (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 37 KB)
Table ATT0219
Willingness to walk more often instead of travelling by car (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 44.5 KB)
Table ATT0220
Proportion of adults willing to walk more instead of travelling by car, broken down by opinions on achievability (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 37 KB)
Table ATT0221
Support for increasing tax/charges to encourage people to travel by car less (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 52 KB)
Table ATT0222
Support for more tax being spent on public transport instead of other things (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 51 KB)
Table ATT0223
Support for more tax being spent on improving cycling facilities instead of other things (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 52 KB)
Table ATT0224
Willingness to pay to learn to drive in a more environmentally friendly way - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0225
Willingness to reduce motorway speed - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47.5 KB)
Table ATT0226
Support for more coverage of environmentally friendly driving in the practical part of the driving test (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48 KB)
Table ATT0227
Support for more action to enforce the motorway speed limit (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48 KB)
Table ATT0228
Factors considered important when buying a car - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 42.5 KB)
Table ATT0229
Factors considered important when buying a car - Costs - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 39.5 KB)
Table ATT0230
Willingness to buy a car with lower CO2 emissions - full licence holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0231
Support for higher taxes to try to stop people buying cars with high CO2 emissions (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 48 KB)
Table ATT0232
Support for a ban on the sale of cars with high CO2 emissions (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47.5 KB)
Table ATT0233
Perceived levels of knowledge about electric cars - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 47 KB)
Table ATT0234
Perceived barriers to buying electric cars/vans - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 29 KB)
Table ATT0235
What would encourage drivers to buy an electric car/van? - full license holders only (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 31 KB)
Table ATT0236
Frequency of air travel (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 40 KB)
Table ATT0237
Willingness to reduce air travel (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 45 KB)
Table ATT0238
Support for increased taxes/other charges to encourage reduction in air travel (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 45.5 KB)