Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers
These figures are based on management information and are not subject to the detailed checks that apply to National Statistics.
This series will be reintegrated into the Immigration Statistics release and separate monthly publication will end. Statistics on children entering immigration detention are published on a quarterly basis as part of the quarterly Immigration Statistics release. The next edition covers the period up to the end of June 2015 and is due for release on 27 August 2015. Quarterly figures are considered more robust and will include any subsequent revisions, as with other national statistics.
The figures may be revised in subsequent quarterly immigration publications and should be seen as provisional.
Updates to this page
Added text 'This series will be reintegrated into the Immigration Statistics release and separate monthly publication will end. Statistics on children entering immigration detention are published on a quarterly basis as part of the quarterly Immigration Statistics release. The next edition covers the period up to the end of June 2015 and is due for release on 27 August 2015. Quarterly figures are considered more robust and will include any subsequent revisions, as with other national statistics.'
Added May 2015 table.
Added April 2015 table.
Added a table for March 2015.
Added table for 'February 2015'.
Added table 'January 2015'.
Added 'December 2014' tables.
Added table for November 2014.
Added table for 'October 2014'.
Added table for 'September 2014'.
Added table for 'August 2014'.
Added 'July 2014'.
Added table for 'June 2014'
Notified publication date for June 2014 statistics amended.
Added table for May 2014.
Added table for April 2014
Added table for March 2014.
Added February 2014 table.
Added data table for January 2014.
Added December 2013 table.
Added data table for November 2013.
Updated with table for October 2013.
Added August 2013 data table.
Updated with July 2013 data.
June 2013 table added.
May 2013 table added.
Published April 2013 figures.
Added March 2013 table.
Added February 2013 table.
First published.