
Migration statistics

This series brings together documents relating to Home Office statistics on migration.

Regular releases (current)

Latest release Date published Previous editions
Monthly entry clearance visa applications: February 2025

Monthly statistics on visa applications for people coming to the UK for work, study and family reasons.
12/03/2025 Monthly entry clearance visa applications: January 2025
Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2024

Quarterly statistics on people coming to the UK, extensions of stay, irregular migration, EUSS, citizenship, asylum, detentions, and returns.
27/02/2025 Immigration system statistics quarterly release
The Irregular migration to the UK statistics for the year ending September 2024 onwards have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release. 28/11/2024 Irregular migration to the UK statistics
Migrant journey: 2023 report

Evidence on the behaviour of migrants entering the UK immigration system for the main routes of entry to the UK and the common pathways through the immigration system that result in settlement.
23/05/2024 Migrant journey
The EU Settlement Scheme statistics for the year ending March 2024 onwards have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release. 29/02/2024 EU Settlement Scheme statistics
Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2022

Statistics on the immigration system and passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak.
25/08/2022 Immigration and border statistics
Developments in exit checks

Provides data collected on travellers departing and arriving in the UK as part of the Home Office exit checks programme.
24/02/2022 Statistics on Exit Checks

Other miscellaneous releases

Title Date published
Returns from the UK and illegal working activity since July 2024 15/12/2024
Operational note: Operation Tornado 2/12/2024
Returns from the UK between July and October 2024 3/11/2024
Returns from the UK between July and August 2024 9/10/2024
Analysis of migrants use of the Graduate route 14/05/2024
Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Act (formerly ‘Illegal Migration Bill’)

Ad hoc statistical release of data relating to the Illegal Migration Act.
Factsheet: Small boat crossings since July 2022 02/11/2022
No recourse to public funds applications to change conditions of leave: July 2020 30/07/2020
Grenfell immigration policy statistics 27/02/2020
EU Settlement Scheme private beta 1 31/10/2018
Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation 30/11/2017
Entry clearance visas by length 22/05/2014
Extensions of stay by previous category 29/08/2013
Foreign National Offenders in detention and leaving detention 28/02/2013
Immigration statistics historical data 28/02/2013
Immigration and asylum appeals allowed under articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights 13/07/2011
Certificates of sponsorship: Tier 2 (general) 06/04/2011
British citizenship statistics United Kingdom, 2009 27/05/2010
British citizenship statistics United Kingdom, 2008 28/10/2009

Regular releases (discontinued)

Last release Date published Previous editions
The Irregular migration to the UK statistics for the year ending September 2024 onwards have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release.
Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2024
22/08/2024 Irregular migration to the UK statistics
The EU Settlement Scheme statistics for the year ending March 2024 onwards have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release. 29/02/2024 EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2023
Control of immigration: quarterly statistical summary first quarter 2011 26/05/2011 Control of immigration statistics

Other resources

All statistics documents are listed below.


Data tables


Updates to this page

Published 8 October 2013
Last updated 13 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications: February 2025'.

  2. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2024' and updated 'Home Office immigration system statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Developments in migration statistics' and 'Immigration system statistics data tables'.

  3. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  4. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  5. Added 'Returns from the UK and illegal working activity since July 2024'

  6. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  7. Added 'Operational note: Operation Tornado'.

  8. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending September 2024'.

  9. Added 'Returns from the UK between July and October 2024'.

  10. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  11. Added 'Returns from the UK between July and August 2024'.

  12. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending June 2024' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2024'.

  13. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  14. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  15. Updated 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'. Updated 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2024' to second edition.

  16. Added 'Migrant journey: 2023 report', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2024' and 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2024'. Updated 'Immigration system statistics data tables', 'Home Office immigration system statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Irregular migration detailed datasets and summary tables' and 'Home Office irregular migration to the UK statistics: user guide'. The 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics for the year ending March 2024' onwards have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release.

  17. Updated 'Migration statistics'.

  18. Added 'Analysis of migrants use of the Graduate route'.

  19. Added 'Monthly entry clearance visa applications'.

  20. Updated 'Statistics relating to Illegal Migration'.

  21. Added 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2023', 'Irregular migration detailed datasets and summary tables', 'Home Office irregular migration to the UK statistics: user guide', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2023' and 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2023'. Updated 'Immigration system statistics data tables', 'Home Office immigration system statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Developments in migration statistics'.

  22. Updated 'Statistics relating to Illegal Migration'.

  23. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending September 2023', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2023' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending September 2023'.

  24. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending June 2023', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2023’ and ‘EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2023’. Updated 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Home Office immigration system statistics: user guide'. Re-formatted page to provide links and descriptions to latest reports and associated collection pages.

  25. Updated 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Act'.

  26. Updated 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Bill'.

  27. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2023', 'Immigration system statistics data tables, year ending March 2023', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2023' , 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2023' and 'Migrant journey: 2022 report'.

  28. Added 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Bill'.

  29. Added 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2022', 'Immigration system statistics data tables, year ending December 2022' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2022'.

  30. Added 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending September 2022', 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2022', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending September 2022' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2022’.

  31. Added 'Factsheet Small boat crossings since July 2022'.

  32. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2022' and 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2022'.

  33. Added 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2022' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly year ending June 2022'

  34. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2022', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2022', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2022' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2022'. Updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'

  35. Added EU Settlement Scheme statistics, June 2022

  36. Added EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2022

  37. Added 'Migrant journey: 2021 report'.

  38. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2022', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending March 2022', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, May 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2022' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2022'. Updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'

  39. EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2022

  40. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, March 2022'.

  41. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, February 2022'.

  42. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2021'.

  43. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2021', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending December 2021', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, February 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2021', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2021' and 'Developments in Exit Checks', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  44. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, January 2022'.

  45. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2021', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending September 2021', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, November 2021' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2021', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  46. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2021', updated 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  47. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2021', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2021' and 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2021', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  48. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics table: total applications by nationality up to 30 June 2021'.

  49. 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2021' has been updated.

  50. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2021', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending March 2021', 'Migrant journey: 2020 report', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2021' and 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, May 2021', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Migrant journey: user guide' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  51. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2020', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending December 2020', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, February 2021' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2020', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Developments in migration statistics' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  52. 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2020' has been amended.

  53. EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics to September 2020, Immigration statistics, year ending September 2020 and Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, November 2020 published.

  54. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2020', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2020', 'Fifth report on statistics relating to exit checks', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2020' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2020', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Home Office statistics on exit checks: user guide' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  55. 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending March 2020' has been updated to second edition.

  56. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2020'.

  57. Added 'Statistics relating to Covid-19 and the immigration system, May 2020'.

  58. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2020', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending March 2020', 'Migrant journey: 2019 report' and 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2020', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and ' Migrant journey: user guide'.

  59. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2020', updated 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  60. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, March 2020'.

  61. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, February 2020', updated 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  62. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2019', 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2019: data tables' and 'Grenfell immigration policy statistics', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide'.

  63. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, January 2020'.

  64. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2019'.

  65. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, December 2019’.

  66. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, November 2019' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme statistics: user guide'.

  67. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2019', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide'.

  68. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, October 2019'.

  69. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2019'.

  70. Updated 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, September 2019' to second edition.

  71. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, September 2019'.

  72. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, August 2019'.

  73. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2019' and 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2019: data tables' to second editions.

  74. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2019', 'Immigration statistics data tables, year ending June 2019', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2019', 'Fourth report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme' and 'Home Office EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics: user guide', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Home Office statistics on exit checks: user guide'.

  75. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, July 2019'.

  76. Added "EU Settlement Scheme statistics, June 2019".

  77. Added "EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2019".

  78. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2019'.

  79. Added ‘Migrant journey: 2018 report’, ’Migrant journey: 2018 report: data tables’, 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2019' and 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2019: data tables', and updated ‘Migrant journey user guide ’, 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and ’Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  80. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2018' and 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2018: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide'.

  81. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2018' and 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2018: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide'.

  82. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2018', 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2018: data tables', 'Third report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme' and 'Home Office statistics on exit checks: user guide', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Developments in migration statistics since 2010'.

  83. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2018' and 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2018: data tables'. Updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide’, ’Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and ‘Developments in migration statistics since 2010’.

  84. Updated 'Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: 2016'.

  85. 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2017: data tables' has been updated.

  86. Added 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2017', 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2017: data tables', 'Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: 2016' and 'Developments in migration statistics since 2010'. Updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline' and 'Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: user guide'.

  87. Added 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2017', 'Immigration Statistics, July to September 2017: data tables' and 'Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  88. Added 'Second report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme', ‘Immigration statistics, April to June 2017’ and ‘Immigration statistics, April to June 2017: data tables’, updated ‘Home Office immigration statistics: user guide’ and ‘Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline’.

  89. Added 'Immigration Statistics, January to March 2017' and 'Immigration Statistics, January to March 2017: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  90. Added ‘Immigration statistics, October to December 2016’ and ‘Immigration statistics, October to December 2016: data tables’, updated ‘Home Office immigration statistics: user guide’.

  91. Added ‘Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: 2015’ and ‘Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: 2015: data tables', ‘Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: user guide’ replaces 'Migrant journey: user guide'.

  92. Added ‘Immigration statistics, July to September 2016’ and ‘Immigration statistics, July to September 2016: data tables’, updated ‘Home Office immigration statistics: user guide’.

  93. Added 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2016', 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2016: data tables' and 'A report on the statistics being collected under the exit checks programme', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  94. Added 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2016' and 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2016: data tables', updated 'User Guide to Home Office Immigration Statistics' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  95. Added 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2015' and 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2015: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  96. Added ‘Migrant journey: sixth report’, ’Migrant journey: sixth report: data tables’ and updated ‘User Guide to the Home Office Migrant Journey’.

  97. Added 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2015' and 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2015: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  98. Added 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2015' and 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2015: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  99. Updated 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  100. Added 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2015' and 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2015: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  101. Updated 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  102. Updated 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  103. Added 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2014' and 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2014: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  104. Added 'Migrant journey: fifth report', 'Migrant journey: fifth report: data tables' and 'Migrant journey: user guide'.

  105. Updated 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  106. Added 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2014' and 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2014: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide', 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline', 'Monthly asylum application tables' and 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers'.

  107. Added 'July 2014 Monthly asylum application' tables and 'August 2014 Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers' table.

  108. Added 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2014', 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2014: data tables', 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers' and 'Monthly asylum application tables'. Updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  109. Added 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2014', 'Tables for ‘Immigration Statistics, January to March 2014’', 'Entry clearance visas by length' and 'Entry clearance visas by length: table'. Updated 'Monthly asylum application tables', 'Children entering detention under Immigration Act powers', 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  110. Added group 'Related information'.

  111. Added 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2013' and 'Tables for 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2013''.

  112. First published.