Irregular migration summary: previous data tables
Listing of the irregular migration previous summary tables.
The latest Irregular migration statistics are now incorporated into the Immigration system statistics.
Return to Immigration system statistics quarterly release collection page.
Previous summary tables
Irregular migration to the UK data tables, year ending September 2022
Irregular migration to the UK data tables, year ending June 2022
Irregular migration to the UK data tables, year ending March 2022
Irregular migration to the UK data tables, year ending December 2021
Updates to this page
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset, year ending September 2024'.
The 'Irregular migration to the UK ' statistics have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics publication release from September 2024. This will bring the reporting of the department’s immigration system data into one place. The content and scope of the statistics previously published as Irregular Migration to the UK will not change. The title of this dataset has been changed for consistancy with the other statistical data set titles.
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK summary tables, year ending June 2024', and 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset, year ending June 2024'.
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK summary tables, year ending March 2024', and 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset, year ending March 2024'.
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset, year ending December 2023' and 'Irregular migration to the UK summary tables, year ending December 2023'.
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset year ending September 2023' and 'Irregular migration to the UK summary table, year ending September 2023'.
Added 'Irregular migration to the UK detailed dataset year ending June 2023' and 'Irregular migration to the UK summary table, year ending June 2023'.
Added 'Irr_D02: Number of asylum applications from small boat arrivals by asylum application, nationality, region, applicant type, sex and age group', 'Irr_D03: Initial decisions on asylum applications from small boat arrivals by nationality, region, asylum case outcome, asylum case outcome', 'Irr_D04: Number of NRM referrals from small boat arrivals by NRM referral, nationality, region, sex and age group', 'Irr_D05: Outcomes of NRM referrals from small boat arrivals by nationality, region, sex, age group, NRM case outcome and NRM case outcome group' and 'Irregular migration to the UK summary table, year ending March 2023'. Updated 'Irr_D01: Number of detected attempts to enter the UK irregularly by method of entry, nationality, region, sex and age group'.
First published.