Statistical data set

English Housing Survey data on dwelling condition, security and fire safety

Data on dwelling condition, security and fire safety.

Tables on:

  • Decent Homes criteria
  • health and safety
  • damp and mould
  • repair costs and electrical safety
  • security and fire safety

Live tables

DA3201: Decent Homes - dwellings

DA3202: Decent Homes - areas

DA3203: Decent Homes - households

DA4101: health and safety - dwellings

DA4102: health and safety - areas

DA4103: health and safety - households

DA5101: damp and mould - dwellings

DA5102: damp and mould - areas

DA5103: damp and mould - households

DA5201: disrepair and electrics - dwellings

DA5202: disrepair and electrics - areas

DA5203: disrepair and electrics - households

DT3101: Decent Homes trend

DA2301: security and fire safety - dwellings

DA2302: security and fire safety - areas

DA2303: security and fire safety - households

Updates to this page

Published 10 July 2013
Last updated 18 July 2024 show all updates
  1. Update of data for 2022-23

  2. Live tables updated

  3. Updated live tables.

  4. Update live tables.

  5. Updated tables.

  6. Updated tables.

  7. Updated tables.

  8. Updated tables.

  9. All tables updated.

  10. Updated tables.

  11. Added updated tables.

  12. First published.