
English Housing Survey live tables

Detailed time series data tables.

The English Housing Survey live tables are a collection of detailed time series data tables on people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of the English housing stock.

They are updated each year and supplement the annual reports.

Following a review of the live tables and based on user feedback, from 18 July 2024, several of the live tables have been updated with additional tenure breakdowns, combined into one table or discontinued. For a full list of the changes see the change note published alongside these statistics.

Parking, mains gas and EV chargepoints

Time series data on parking provision, mains gas supply and electric vehicle (EV) charge points.

Dwelling condition, safety and security

Time series data on Decent Homes, health and safety, damp and mould, and repair costs and electrical and fire safety.

Energy performance, heating and insulation

Time series data on energy efficiency, heating and insulation.


Data on ownership. characteristics, ground rent and service charges for leaseholders in England.

New households and recent movers

Time series data on the mobility and length of residence of all households, and the characteristics of new and moving households.

Owner occupiers, recent first time buyers and second homes

Time series data on home ownership and types of purchase, mortgages, second homes and first time buyers.

Social and private renters

Time series data on the characteristics of social and private renters, rents and housing benefit and types of letting.

Stock profile

Time series data on the profile of the English housing stock.

Time series data on cross-tenure comparisons of households, overcrowding and under-occupation and national tenure trends.

Updates to this page

Published 17 July 2019
Last updated 18 July 2024 show all updates
  1. Live tables have been updated with the most up to date data and either maintained, amended or discontinued in response to a recent review. See the change note published alongside these tables for more information.

  2. Live Tables updated

  3. First published.