
English Housing Survey

Information and publications on the English Housing Survey.

Future developments to the reporting schedule

The English Housing Survey team are currently considering changes to our reporting schedule. We would like to publish demographic and some financial data in November, earlier than the usual Headline Report in December, with data on quality and energy of English Homes to follow in January. This would allow us to publish some information in a more timely manner, while giving us more time to add value to other particularly high-profile areas. If you have any thoughts or concerns about these proposals, please do get in touch at

The English Housing Survey is a continuous national survey commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). It collects information about people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of housing in England.

It has 2 component surveys:

  • a household interview
  • a physical inspection of a sub sample of the properties

Survey users

A detailed guide for survey users provides information about:

  • the background to the survey and how the data are used
  • the questionnaire and physical survey form
  • technical survey methodology
  • data quality
  • how we engage with our wider user community
  • the revisions policy
  • the dissemination strategy

Households selected for the survey

Each year a sample of addresses is drawn at random from a list of private addresses held by the Royal Mail. Householders at those addresses are invited to take part in the survey and will receive an initial letter from our contractor NatCen Social Research.

Background information about the survey is available for households selected to take part in the survey.

50 years of the English Housing Survey

2017 is the 50th anniversary of the first national housing survey. To mark this anniversary we have published a comparison of the 1967 housing survey with the English Housing Survey in 2017.

Further information

If you would like further information about the English Housing Survey, please contact:


English Housing Survey project management
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
4th floor SW, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street


We are interested in understanding more about how our housing statistics and data are used and the decisions they inform. This is important for us so we can provide a high quality service which meets users’ needs.

Please contact us with feedback at


English Housing Survey datasets are made available via the UK Data Service for users who want to undertake secondary analysis.

Reports and live tables

Each year initial results are published in a headline report at the beginning of the year. This is followed by a series of more detailed reports released in the summer.

The English Housing Survey live tables are a collection of detailed time series data tables on people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of the English housing stock. They are updated each year and supplement the annual reports.

2023 to 2024

2022 to 2023

2021 to 2022

2020 to 2021

2019 to 2020

2018 to 2019

2017 to 2018

2016 to 2017

2015 to 2016

2014 to 2015

2013 to 2014

2012 to 2013

2011 to 2012

2010 to 2011

2009 to 2010

2008 to 2009

Research reports

Live tables

The English Housing Survey live tables are a collection of detailed time series data tables on people’s housing circumstances and the condition and energy efficiency of the English housing stock. They are updated each year and supplement the annual reports.

Technical information

Updates to this page

Published 10 July 2013
Last updated 30 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added English Housing Survey 2023 to 2024: headline findings on housing quality and energy efficiency.

  2. The headline findings on demographics and household resilience for the English Housing Survey 2023 to 2024 have been added along with the 2023-24 questionnaire and physical survey.

  3. We have added a section on proposed changes to the reporting schedule of the EHS Headline Report

  4. Added English Housing Survey 2022-23 reports on: energy; housing quality and condition; and rented sectors. Plus factsheets on affordability and cost of living; future homeowners; satisfaction and complaints; and security of tenure.

  5. Added English Housing Survey: local authority housing stock condition modelling, 2020.

  6. Added English Housing Survey 2021-22 reports on: energy; housing quality and condition; leasehold households; private rented sector; satisfaction and complaints; and social rented sector. Plus factsheets on household moves; and second homes.

  7. Added English Housing Survey: local authority housing stock condition modelling, 2019.

  8. Added English Housing Survey 2021 to 2022: headline report. Added English Housing Survey 2021 to 2022: questionnaire and physical survey form.

  9. Added English Housing Survey 2020-21 reports on: energy, feeling safe from fire, housing quality, leaseholders, older people's housing, private rented sector, social rented sector; plus factsheets on regional housing trends, overheating.

  10. Added "A segmentation analysis of private renters" to the research reports section.

  11. Added English Housing Survey 2020 to 2021: headline report; English Housing Survey 2020 to 2021: questionnaire and physical survey form.

  12. Added Household Resilience Study: Wave 3.

  13. Added English Housing Survey 2019 to 2020 reports on: home ownership, private rented sector, social rented sector, well-being and neighbourhoods, home adaptations, feeling safe from fire, energy.

  14. Added Household Resilience Study: Wave 2.

  15. Added English Housing Survey 2019 to 2020: headline report; English Housing Survey 2019 to 2020: questionnaire and physical survey form; Household Resilience Study: Wave 1.

  16. Added English Housing Survey reports for 2018 to 2019.

  17. Added English Housing Survey 2018 to 2019: headline report.

  18. Added 2017 to 2018 reports on energy efficiency; home ownership; households; neighbourhoods; private rented sector; social rented sector; and stock condition.

  19. Added English Housing Survey 2017 to 2018: headline report.

  20. Added 2016 to 2017 reports.

  21. Added English housing survey 2013 to 2014: headline report.

  22. Added 'English housing survey 2012 to 2013: household report'; 'English housing survey 2012: profile of English housing report'; 'English housing survey 2012: energy efficiency of English housing report'; 'English housing survey 2012 to 2013: fire and fire safety report'.

  23. Added English housing survey 2012 to 2013: headline report.

  24. First published.