Statistical data set

Public attitudes towards electric vehicles (ATT05)

Data about public attitudes towards electric vehicles, produced by Department for Transport.

ATT0501: Frequency of car and van travel (ODS, 6.57 KB)

ATT0502: Frequency of public transport travel (ODS, 6.65 KB)

ATT0503: Attitudes to electric cars and vans (ODS, 7.66 KB)

ATT0504: Important factors when buying a car (ODS, 7.21 KB)

ATT0505: Cost factors when buying a car or van (ODS, 7.04 KB)

ATT0506: Factors putting people off buying an electric car or van (ODS, 7.23 KB)

ATT0507: Cost factors putting people off buying an electric car or van (ODS, 7.16 KB)

ATT0508: Factors that would encourage people to buy an electric car or van (ODS, 7.2 KB)

ATT0509: Cost factors encouraging people to buy an electric car or van (ODS, 7.58 KB)

ATT0510: Whether government grant influenced attitude towards buying an electric vehicle (ODS, 21.8 KB)

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Published 19 June 2014
Last updated 7 July 2016 show all updates
  1. Tables updated for 2016.

  2. Updated all statistical data sets.

  3. First published.