Statistical data set

International road freight activity (RFS02)

Data about the international road freight activity, produced by the Department for Transport. These statistics are accredited official statistics.

RFS0201: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles (ODS, 22.6 KB)

International road freight by UK HGVs by country

RFS0202: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods lifted by country of unloading (ODS, 8.61 KB)

RFS0203: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods lifted by country of loading (ODS, 8.64 KB)

RFS0204: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods moved by country of unloading (ODS, 8.83 KB)

RFS0205: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods moved by country of loading (ODS, 8.57 KB)

International road freight by UK HGVs by commodity

RFS0206: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods lifted by commodity group (ODS, 31.4 KB)

RFS0207: International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles: goods moved by commodity group (ODS, 31.1 KB)

Foreign road freight activity within the UK

RFS0208: Goods lifted from the UK by foreign-registered HGVs, by vehicle registration country (ODS, 12.4 KB)

RFS0209: Goods lifted to the UK by foreign-registered HGVs, by vehicle registration country (ODS, 12.6 KB)

RFS0210: Goods moved from the UK by foreign-registered HGVs, by vehicle registration country (ODS, 12.6 KB)

RFS0211: Goods moved to the UK by foreign-registered HGVs, by vehicle registration country (ODS, 13 KB)

RFS0214: International goods lifted to and from the UK by foreign-registered HGVs (ODS, 16.8 KB)


RFS0212: Cabotage within the UK by country of registration of vehicle (ODS, 12.7 KB)

RFS0216: Domestic goods moved and cabotage within EU28 countries (ODS, 11.4 KB)

Domestic comparison

RFS0213: Domestic goods lifted in selected countries (ODS, 13.8 KB)

Cross trade goods

RFS0215: Cross trade goods lifted to and from the UK by foreign-registered HGVs (ODS, 17.5 KB)

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Road freight statistics


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Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2012
Last updated 11 July 2024 show all updates
  1. International road freight activity data tables updated for the latest annual report.

  2. Data table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for the October 2022 to September 2023 road freight report.

  3. Data tables updated for the latest data for the July 2022 to June 2023 release.

  4. Data table for international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles, updated for the April 2022 to March 2023 statistics release.

  5. International road freight data tables updated for the year 2022.

  6. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the October 2021 to September 2022 quarterly report.

  7. Data table for international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles (Table RFS0201) updated for the latest report.

  8. International road freight data tables for 2021 updated.

  9. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending June 2021 report.

  10. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending March 2021 report.

  11. International road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2020.

  12. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending September 2020 report.

  13. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending June 2020 report.

  14. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending March 2020 report.

  15. International road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2019.

  16. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending September 2019 report.

  17. International road haulage by UK-registered vehicles data table updated for the year ending June 2019 report.

  18. Data table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for the April 2018 to March 2019.

  19. International road freight activity data tables updated for the year 2018.

  20. Data table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for the October 2017 to September 2018 release.

  21. Data table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for the July 2017 to June 2018 release.

  22. Table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for April 2017 to March 2018 release.

  23. Tables updated for the year 2017.

  24. Table on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles updated for the October 2016 to September 2017 release.

  25. Tables on international road haulage by UK-registered vehicles, domestic goods lifted in selected countries and domestic goods moved and cabotage updated for the July 2016 to June 2017 release.

  26. Table 0201 to 0207 updated to the latest data for the year ending March 2017.

  27. Tables updated to the latest data for the year 2016.

  28. Table 0201 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending September 2016.

  29. Table 0201 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending June 2016.

  30. Table 0201 (annual and quarterly data) updated for the year ending March 2016.

  31. Tables updated to include latest data for 2015.

  32. Table 0201 updated to the latest quarterly data.

  33. Tables updated to the latest annual and quarterly data.

  34. First published.