Statistical data set

Road traffic estimates (TRA)

Data on road traffic by road and vehicle type, produced by Department for Transport.

Accessibility of tables

The department is currently working to make our tables accessible for our users. The data tables for these statistics are now accessible.

We would welcome any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email road traffic statistics.

Traffic volume in miles (TRA01)

TRA0101: Road traffic (vehicle miles) by vehicle type in Great Britain (ODS, 35.1 KB)

TRA0102: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class in Great Britain (ODS, 35.1 KB)

TRA0103: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 83.9 KB)

TRA0104: Road traffic (vehicle miles) by vehicle type and road class in Great Britain (ODS, 41.8 KB)

TRA0106: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by vehicle type, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 56.7 KB)

Traffic volume in kilometres (TRA02)

TRA0201: Road traffic (vehicle kilometres) by vehicle type in Great Britain (ODS, 35.4 KB)

TRA0202: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class in Great Britain (ODS, 35.2 KB)

TRA0203: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 96.3 KB)

TRA0204: Road traffic (vehicle kilometres) by vehicle type and road class in Great Britain (ODS, 42.7 KB)

TRA0206: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by vehicle type, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 58.3 KB)

Annual daily traffic flow and distribution (TRA03)

TRA0301: Motor vehicle flow by road class in Great Britain (ODS, 32.6 KB)

TRA0302: Motor vehicle flow by road class and region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 42 KB)

TRA0303: Motor vehicle flow for major sections of motorway network in Great Britain (ODS, 41 KB)

TRA0305: Average daily traffic flow by month in Great Britain, 5-year average (ODS, 114 KB)

TRA0306: Average traffic distribution by day of the week in Great Britain (ODS, 66.4 KB)

TRA0307: Traffic distribution on all roads by time of day and day of the week in Great Britain (ODS, 74 KB)

TRA0308: Traffic distribution on all roads by time of day and day of the week, for selected vehicle types in Great Britain (ODS, 121 KB)

Pedal cycle traffic (TRA04)

TRA0401: Pedal cycle traffic (vehicle miles and kilometres) in Great Britain (ODS, 32.8 KB)

TRA0402: Pedal cycle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class in Great Britain (ODS, 33.2 KB)

TRA0403: Pedal cycle traffic (vehicle miles) by region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 33.3 KB)

TRA0412: Pedal cycle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class in Great Britain (ODS, 33.4 KB)

TRA0413: Pedal cycle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 33.7 KB)

Heavy goods vehicle traffic (TRA31)

TRA3105: Heavy goods vehicle traffic by axle configuration and road category in Great Britain (ODS, 44 KB)

Foreign registered vehicles in Great Britain traffic (TRA32)

Tables TRA3201 to TRA3203 have not been updated in recent publications, as we are reviewing the tables.

We welcome any comments on these tables via road traffic statistics.

TRA3201: Proportion of foreign registered vehicles in traffic by vehicle type, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 29.8 KB)

TRA3202: Proportion of foreign registered vehicles in traffic by road type, region and country in Great Britain (ODS, 25.5 KB)

TRA3203: Proportion of foreign registered vehicles in traffic by vehicle and road type in Great Britain (ODS, 21.9 KB)

Strategic road network traffic (TRA41)

The figures that were previously in data tables TRA4103, TRA4104 are now contained within TRA4102.

The figures that were previously in data tables TRA4113, TRA4114 are now contained within TRA4112.

TRA4101: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by vehicle type on roads managed by National Highways, as at 1 April in each year: England (ODS, 33 KB)

TRA4102: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) and road length, by road type and road management, as at 1 April in each year: England (ODS, 43.7 KB)

TRA4105: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class, road management and vehicle type in England, latest year (ODS, 43.3 KB)

TRA4106: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class, road management and region in England, latest year (ODS, 51.1 KB)

TRA4111: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by vehicle type on roads managed by National Highways, as at 1 April in each year: England (ODS, 33.1 KB)

TRA4112: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) and road length, by road type and road management, as at 1 April in each year: England (ODS, 43.8 KB)

TRA4115: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class, road management and vehicle type in England, latest year (ODS, 43.4 KB)

TRA4116: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class, road management and region in England, latest year (ODS, 51.3 KB)

Traffic based on a static road management status (TRA42)

The figures that were previously in data tables TRA4203, TRA4204 are now contained within TRA4202.

The figures that were previously in data tables TRA4213, TRA4214 are now contained within TRA4212.

TRA4201: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by vehicle type on roads managed by National Highways, as at 1 April of latest year: England (ODS, 32.8 KB)

TRA4202: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) and road length, by road type and road management, as at 1 April of latest year: England (ODS, 41.9 KB)

TRA4205: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class, vehicle type and road management: England, latest year (ODS, 43.3 KB)

TRA4206: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by road class, region and road management: England, latest year (ODS, 51.1 KB)

TRA4211: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by vehicle type on roads managed by National Highways, as at 1 April of latest year: England (ODS, 32.9 KB)

TRA4212: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) and road length by road type and road management, as at 1 April of latest year: England (ODS, 42 KB)

TRA4215: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class, vehicle type and road management: England, latest year (ODS, 43.5 KB)

TRA4216: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by road class, region and road management: England, latest year (ODS, 51.3 KB)

Traffic by local authority (TRA89)

TRA8901: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by local authority in Great Britain (ODS, 145 KB)

TRA8902: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) by local authority and selected vehicle type in Great Britain (ODS, 321 KB)

TRA8903: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle miles) excluding trunk roads by local authority in England (ODS, 139 KB)

TRA8904: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by local authority in Great Britain (ODS, 147 KB)

TRA8905: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) by local authority and selected vehicle type in Great Britain (ODS, 336 KB)

TRA8906: Motor vehicle traffic (vehicle kilometres) excluding trunk roads by local authority in England (ODS, 145 KB)

TRA8907: Motor vehicle flow by local authority in Great Britain, latest year (ODS, 147 KB)

Traffic projections (TRA99)

Table TRA9905 has been discontinued, as the information is held elsewhere on GOV.UK. The latest National Road Traffic Projections for England and Wales are available.

Contact us

Road traffic and vehicle speed compliance statistics


Media enquiries 0300 7777 878

Updates to this page

Published 5 July 2018
Last updated 22 May 2024 show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for the 2023 road traffic report.

  2. Data tables updated for the road traffic estimates annual report for 2022.

  3. Data tables updated for the 2021 road traffic estimates report.

  4. Data tables updated for the road traffic estimates for Great Britain 2020 report.

  5. Data tables updated for the road traffic estimates for Great Britain 2019 report.

  6. Data tables updated for the annual road traffic estimates release for 2018.

  7. First published.