Statistical data set

Seafarer statistics: data tables (SFR)

Data about seafarers in the UK shipping industry, based on data from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the UK Chamber of Shipping.

Accessibility of tables

The department is currently working to make our tables accessible for our users. The data tables for these statistics are now accessible.

We would welcome any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email us.

Seafarers active at sea (SFR01)

SFR0101: UK seafarers active at sea by type, best overall estimate (ODS, 16.3 KB)

Certificated Officers and trainees (SFR02)

SFR0201: UK Officers, certificates held by type (ODS, 14.6 KB)

SFR0202: Age, gender and departmental profile of UK Officers (ODS, 8.82 KB)

SFR0203: Seafarer certificates held by department and nationality group (ODS, 18.4 KB)

SFR0204: Nationality of non-UK Officers holding Certificates of Equivalent Competency (ODS, 9.42 KB)

SFR0205: Nationality of non-UK Officers holding Certificates of Competency (ODS, 9.01 KB)

SFR0206: UK Officer cadets under SMarT1 scheme (ODS, 7.32 KB)

Seafarers in the UK shipping industry – Chamber of Shipping members (SFR03)

SFR0301: UK seafarers active at sea by type, CoS member companies (ODS, 12.4 KB)

SFR0302: Age, gender and departmental profile of UK seafarers active at sea, CoS member companies (ODS, 14.2 KB)

SFR0303: Seafarers active at sea by department and nationality group, CoS member companies (ODS, 15.4 KB)

SFR0401: Projection for the supply of UK seafarers, 2016 to 2026 (ODS, 7.26 KB)

Contact us

Maritime and shipping statistics


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Updates to this page

Published 30 May 2018
Last updated 26 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for the Seafarers in the UK Shipping Industry 2024 report.

  2. Data tables updated to the 2023 data.

  3. Data tables have been revised due to a processing error.

  4. Data tables updated for the 2022 annual report.

  5. Data tables updated for the Seafarers in the UK Shipping Industry 2021 report.

  6. Data tables updated for the seafarers in the UK industry 2020 report.

  7. Data tables updated for the Seafarers in the UK Industry 2019 report.

  8. Data table on UK officer cadets under SMarT1 scheme updated to show the latest number of SMarT trainees.

  9. Data tables updated for the seafarers in the UK industry 2018 report.

  10. First published.