Search and rescue helicopter statistics: data tables (SARH)
Data on civilian search and rescue helicopter activity in the United Kingdom, produced by Department for Transport.
Taskings by base, type and the number of rescued and assisted
Taskings by location and region
All data
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Search and rescue helicopter statistics
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Updates to this page
Data tables updated for the latest annual report for the year ending March 2024.
Latest SARH statistics for the year ending March 2023 added to collections page.
Data tables updated for the search and rescue helicopter statistics for April to September 2022.
Data tables on Month by base, Tasking type by base and outcome by tasking type, Record level data, Rescued and assisted by base and Breakdown of location by base updated for the year ending March 2022.
Data tables updated for the search and rescue helicopter statistics for April to September 2021.
Data tables updated for the annual statistics release for year ending March 2021.
Data tables on month by base, tasking type by base and outcome by tasking type, location by base, tasking type by location, rescued and assisted by base and breakdown of location by base updated for April to September 2020.
Data tables updated for the annual statistics release for year ending March 2020.
Data tables on month by base, tasking type by base and outcome by tasking type, location by base, tasking type by location, rescued and assisted by base and breakdown of location by base updated for April to September 2019.
Data tables updated for the annual statistics release for year ending March 2019.
Data tables on month by base, tasking type by base and outcome by tasking type, location by base, tasking type by location, rescued and assisted by base and breakdown of location by base updated for October to December 2018.
Data tables on month by base, tasking type by base and outcome by tasking type, location by base, tasking type by location, rescued and assisted by base and breakdown of location by base updated for July to September 2018.
Search and rescue helicopter data tables for tasking locations, updated for April to June 2018.
Data for search and rescue helicopter statistics updated for the year ending March 2018.
Table 0101 to 0106, 112 to 114 updated to the latest data for October to December 2017.
Table 0101 to 0106, 112 to 114 updated to the latest data for July to September 2017.
Table 0101 to 0106 updated to the latest quarterly data for April to June 2017. Table 0113 and 0114 added.
Tables updated to the latest data for year ending March 2017.
Table 0101 to 0106 updated to the latest data for October to December 2016.
Table 0101 to 0106 updated to latest data for July to September 2016.
Table 0101 to 0106 updated to the latest data for April to June 2016.
Tables updated to the latest data. 3 tables added to the dataset.
Tables updated and added to include latest data for October to December 2015.
First published.