Taxis, private hire vehicles and their drivers (TAXI)
Data about the number of licensed taxis and private hire vehicles in England and Wales, produced by Department for Transport.
This statistical release has been revised to correct a data processing error by one licensing authority. Affected figures relating to wheelchair accessible taxis have been amended in the relevant tables.
The security checks section of the latest statistical publication contained an error in the commentary when originally published (31 July 2024). Upon investigation, updated responses were received from a small number of licensing authorities affecting the corresponding table. The following have been revised to include this newly updated data, along with a further update to include the latest local government structures and names:
updated geography structures and names in tables TAXI0104, TAXI0105, TAXI0108, TAXI0109, TAXI0110, TAXI0111, TAXI0112, TAXI0113, TAXI0118
the security checks in table TAXI0109
Taxis, private hire vehicles and their drivers
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Taxi statistics
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Updates to this page
Data tables have been revised to correct a data processing error by one licensing authority.
Revisions to correct an error in the security checks table, plus other minor geographical changes.
Data tables updated for the latest taxi and private hire vehicles report.
Data tables updated for the 2023 taxi and private hire vehicles report. Age and fuel type of taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs), all regions (TAXI0117) and National Register of Taxi and Private Hire Licence Revocations, Refusals and Suspensions (NR3S): Searches and Entries (TAXI0118) added.
Data tables updated for the latest taxi and private hire vehicle statistics report for 2022.
Tables updated for the latest taxi and private hire vehicle statistics for the year 2021.
Tables updated and added for the latest taxi and private hire vehicle statistics for the year 2020.
Tables updated for 'Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England: 2019'.
Tables updated to the latest data for the year ending March 2018.
Tables updated to the latest data up to March 2017.
Tables updated to the latest data up to end of March 2015.
New tables TAXI0105 and 0106 added with 2012 data.
First published.