Transport accidents and casualties (TSGB08)
Data about reported road accidents and casualties, breath tests, road and rail safety and motor vehicle offences, produced by Department for Transport.
Reported road accidents and casualties
TSGB0801 (RAS40001): Reported accidents and casualties, population, vehicle population, index of vehicle mileage, by road user type and severity (ODS)
TSGB0803 (RAS10002): Reported accidents and accident rates by road class and severity (ODS)
TSGB0812 (RAS30001): Reported road casualties by road user type and severity (ODS)
TSGB0813 (RAS30018): Reported casualty and accident rates by urban and rural roads, road class, road user type, severity and pedestrian involvement (ODS)
Breath tests and failures
TSGB0810 (RAS51016): Reported roadside screening breath tests and breath test failures (ODS)
International road safety
TSGB0809 (RAS52002): International comparisons of road deaths, number and rates by selected countries (ODS)
Motor vehicle offences
Due to difficulties sourcing complete data, TSGB0811 (RAS61001) has not been updated with 2020 figures. We intend to update this table when data becomes available.
TSGB0811 (RAS61001): Motor vehicle offences: findings of guilt at all courts fixed penalty notices and written warnings: by type of offence (ODS)
Rail accidents and safety
TSGB0805 (RAI0501): Railway accidents: casualties by type of accident
TSGB0806 (RAI0502): Railway movement accidents: passenger casualties and casualty rates (ODS)
TSGB0807 (RAI0503): Railway accidents: train accidents (ODS)
TSGB0808 (RAI0504): Signals passed at danger (SPADs) on Network Rail controlled infrastructure (ODS)
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Updates to this page
Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021 report. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.
Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2020. Tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.
Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2019.
Data tables updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain report for 2018.
Page updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2017 release.
Page updated for TSGB 2016 release.
Tables 0805 to 0808 updated to coincide with release of TSGB 2014.
First published.