Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2018
Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom to 2018.
This is an updated version to that published on the 6th June, taking into account revised crop area estimates which have now been published and can be found here. Throughout this publication the 2018 crop areas and volumes of production are based on these revised figures. Production values for 2018 will be updated as part of the next scheduled publication of the aggregate accounts in November 2019. The monetary production values for some crops may therefore show a small degree of inconsistency with areas and volumes.
Other minor typographical errors have also been corrected. In particular, in table 7.12 the value of production for fruit in 2017 and 2018 has been amended in line with table 4.2, and in table 7.5 oilseed rape prices for 2016-2018 have been updated
This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK. It contains an extensive range of data including farm incomes, land use, livestock numbers, prices, production of key commodities (eg wheat, milk, vegetables), overseas trade, organic farming and the environment. The information is used widely by government, industry, researchers and other stakeholders to support policy monitoring and development.
Datasets can be found here.
Next update: see the statistics release calendar
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Twitter: @DefraStats