Agriculture in the United Kingdom
Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom.
This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK, fulfilling the requirement that Ministers publish an annual report on matters relating to price support for agricultural produce. The information is used widely by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and other stakeholders to support policy development. It contains an extensive range of data including farm incomes, land use, livestock numbers, prices, production of key commodities (e.g. wheat, milk, vegetables), overseas trade, organic farming and the environment.
Related series
Past Events
Information on the Agriculture in the United Kingdom annual seminars are available from the national archive, listed under ‘Events’.
Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2023
Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom to 2023.
Agriculture in the United Kingdom dashboard
Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom.
Previous editions of Agriculture in the United Kingdom
Updates to this page
Added Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2023 report.
Added link to Agriculture in the United Kingdom dashboard.
Added Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2022.
Added Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2021 to document collection.
Amendments and addition of link to Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2020.
Added link to Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2019 edition.
Document collection page content redesigned.
Added link to Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2018.
Added link to 2017 publication page.
Updated to include link to Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2016.
Amended AUK Seminar announcement.
Includes AUK seminar 2017 announcement.
Updated to include link to AUK seminar 2016 presentations.
Updated information on the AUK Seminar 2016 event.
Updated AUK seminar 2015 information.
Updated to include the 2015 edition of AUK.
Updated AUK 2016 seminar booking details.
Updated links to Statistics at Defra, event section.
Updated information on the annual Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2016 event.
Updated link to Agriculture in the United Kindom seminar presentations.
Updated information on Agriculture in the United Kingdom seminar.
Includes agenda for AUK seminar being held on 23 June 2015.
Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2014 added.
Added information about the AUK seminar.
Updated to announce event AUK 2015 seminar.
Updated link to 2014 AUK seminar presentations.
Updated to include Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2013.
Added details about 2014 seminar.
First published.