Accredited official statistics

Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2019

Annual statistics about agriculture in the United Kingdom to 2019.



This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK. It contains an extensive range of data including farm incomes, land use, livestock numbers, prices, production of key commodities (eg wheat, milk, vegetables), overseas trade, organic farming and the environment. The information is used widely by government, industry, researchers and other stakeholders to support policy monitoring and development.

The content of the publication has been produced to comply with accessibility standards WCAG2.1 in two formats, Portable Document Format (pdf) and Open Document Text (odt). The odt file allows you to make changes such as the size of the text and the colours used in images or charts.

Agriculture in the United Kingdom datasets.

Next update: see the statistics release calendar

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Updates to this page

Published 25 June 2020
Last updated 7 January 2021
  1. Corrections to minor typographical errors and corrections to the formatting of tables to meet accessibility requirements. Additional open document file attached as per accessibility regulations.

  2. Corrections to a number of minor grammatical, typographical or formatting errors.

  3. First published.

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