Accredited official statistics announcement

Households below average income: for financial years ending 1995 to 2020

Statistics on the number and percentage of people living in low income households for the financial years ending 1995 to 2020. The statistics for the financial year ending (FYE) 2020 will include a new section and tables on household food security (unaffordability) based on the information collected for the first time in the Family Resources Survey (FRS) FYE 2020. A minor methodological revision will also be made to capture all income from child maintenance in HBAI. This will result in more income from child maintenance being included, which in turn will slightly increase some household incomes and so tend to slightly reduce low income rates for families with children. The full back series of HBAI statistics (back to financial year ending 1995) will be revised so that comparisons over time are on a consistent basis for the full HBAI time series of FYE 1995 to FYE 2020. This also means that tables from the publication of the FYE 2020 statistics may be very slightly different to those published before the FYE 2020 publication.