Annual National Offender Management Service digest: 2016 to 2017
Range of detailed statistics and measures for prisons and probation for financial year ending March 2017.
Applies to England and Wales
The annual National Offender Management Service (NOMS) digest is a supplement to NOMS annual report and accounts 2016 to 2017.
The annual NOMS digest statistics cover performance data on
- prisoner escapes, absconds, temporary release failures and releases in error;
- foreign and national offender referrals;
- prisoners working in custody and earnings;
- accredited programmes random mandatory drug testing; incentives and earned privileges;
- mother and baby units;
- electronic monitoring;
- bail accommodation support services;
- the proportion of BAME staff in NOMS and
- staff sickness for England and Wales.
Error notice
28 July 2017: The report was revised on 28 July 2017. Table 13.2 Average working days lost through sickness absence broken down by Region/Division – had incorrectly presented the sickness levels for public sector prison regions. This data has now been revised along with the accompanying statistical commentary in chapter 13 of the report. All other data including the headline sickness measure for the overall NOMS Agency and individual establishments remain unchanged.
Pre-release list
The Annual NOMS Digest is produced and handled by the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) analytical professionals and production staff. Pre-release access of up to 24 hours is granted to the following persons:
Ministry of Justice
Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Prisons and Rehabilitation Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Victims, Youth and Family Justice Permanent Secretary Director General, Finance Director General, Offender Reform and Commissioning Group Director, Prison Reform Policy Deputy Director, Head of Prison and Probation Analytical Services Director, Sentencing and Rehabilitation Director Prisons, Probation and Youth Justice Policy Director, Analytical Services Press officer (x8) Private secretaries (x10) Special advisors (x2) Economic advisor to Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)
Chief Executive Officer, HMPPS Head of CEO’s Office, HMPPS Head of Executive Management Team, HMPPS Chief Operating Officer, HMPPS Director Security, Order & Counter Terrorism Director Commissioning Deputy Director Safer Custody and Public Protection Group Acting Deputy Director Operational Security & Risk Management Group Head of Capacity Management Head of Contract Management (x2) Head of Electronic Monitoring operations and policy Policy Portfolio Electronic Monitoring PPCS Post Release Statistical Information Manager Policy Official: Licence recalls
Other government departments
Home Secretary Private secretary
Updates to this page
The report was revised on 28 July 2017. Table 13.2 Average working days lost through sickness absence broken down by Region/Division – had incorrectly presented the sickness levels for public sector prison regions. This data has now been revised along with the accompanying statistical commentary in chapter 13 of the report. All other data including the headline sickness measure for the overall NOMS Agency and individual establishments remain unchanged.
First published.