Prison and probation performance statistics 2014 to 2015
The Management Information Addendum (NOMS Annual Report), Prison Performance Digest and prison performance ratings for 2014 to 2015.
Management information addendum
The NOMS Annual Report 2014 to 2015 includes a table summarising the Agency’s results against its headline indicators at the national level. The Management Information Addendum provides a more detailed breakdown of performance against a wider range of indicators.
The Prison Performance Digest provides a breakdown by individual establishment of performance over the past 20 years, up to and including 2014 to 2015, against a number of indicators, namely:
- prisoner population
- escapes
- absconds
- release on temporary licence
- random mandatory drug testing
- crowd and doubling
Prison performance ratings
The overall performance of each prison establishment is assessed against a range of indicators and graded into 1 of 4 bands.
These bands are:
- Level 4: Exceptional Performance
- Level 3: Meeting Majority of Targets
- Level 2: Overall Performance is of concern
- Level 1: Overall Performance is of serious concern